Smile Like Davis - Memorial Bench

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Update #4

almost 5 years ago

Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay in this update but as we all know, there is some crazy shit going on in the world! No excuse really but my mind, and I'm sure all of yours, has been elsewhere. With that being said here we go:

Well, we did it! Like the giant extended family we are, we all came together and did what we could to honor Davis. Thank you all for that! We raised over $2500 in a little under a week which is pretty, pretty incredible.

The unfortunate thing right now is timing. PA parks and the company that makes the bench are shut down for the next few weeks. Please rest assured that the money is in an interest bearing savings account and will stay there until we get the OK to resume some semblance of a normal life.

Before things got crazy, Randy Paradis met with the parks department and was able to pick out a spot for the bench. He decided on an area that he regularly visits with his grand kids. It's just above the red bridge in Ralph Stover on the High Rocks side that overlooks the Tohickon. The PA parks department has a standard, all weather bench that they use ( and we will be able to have a plaque placed on the bench as well. Lead time is 6-8 weeks for bench production. Production, delivery and installation comes in at roughly $2200. Since we raised over this amount, as a group we can decide what to do with the remaining money. I was thinking of asking the park what native plants we might be able to place around the bench and use the leftover money for that. Make it the most bitchin' bench in the park!! If anyone has other ideas (sponsor a family at the holidays, toys for tots, a summer concert, etc..) we are all ears.

Doug Wood aka Uncle Doug aka Woody has agreed to be the point person for the bench working with the parks once they reopen to coordinate delivery and installation.

We will be starting a website in the next few weeks. It's just a landing page for now but we own the domain. The goal here is to have a space to create and honor Davis. First up will be a sticker that we are having created by a well known artist, named Jerry Jaspar. Some of you may recognize his art, especially his bumper stickers - We will be reaching out to you all you soon for your addresses so we can mail you a bunch to give out and to "legally" sticker them around the world. More things to come in this vein.

Well, I think i I have rambled enough. If anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]

Love you all! Please be safe and smart in this weird time we are all living in. Prepare for the worst but act your best and please, turn off the news and get out in nature!

Remember to Smile Like Davis!!

More Info

Anyone that ever met Davis, loved Davis.  His smile always lit up the room wherever he went.  His infectious laughter and positive spirit will live through us all for the rest of time.  To give us all a place to remember this wonderful soul we have decided to place a bench in Ralph Stover State Park where Davis spent many hours hiking and mountain biking.  The Paradis family picked a great location just above the red bridge that overlooks the flowing Tohickon Creek.  The total cost of the bench, plaque and installation will cost an estimated $2200.  Any money collected that exceeds this amount will be donated, in December, to Toys for Tots in Dave's name. 

Remember to always, "Smile like Davis"

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Richard Smock posted a new update:
almost 5 years ago

Update #4

Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay in this update but as we all know, there is some crazy shit going on in the world! No excuse really but my mind, and I'm sure all of yours, has been elsewhere. With that being said here we go:

Well, we did it! Like the giant extended family we are, we all came together and did what we could to honor Davis. Thank you all for that! We raised over $2500 in a little under a week which is pretty, pretty incredible.

The unfortunate thing right now is timing. PA parks and the company that makes the bench are shut down for the next few weeks. Please rest assured that the money is in an interest bearing savings account and will stay there until we get the OK to resume some semblance of a normal life.

Before things got crazy, Randy Paradis met with the parks department and was able to pick out a spot for the bench. He decided on an area that he regularly visits with his grand kids. It's just above the red bridge in Ralph Stover on the High Rocks side that overlooks the Tohickon. The PA parks department has a standard, all weather bench that they use ( and we will be able to have a plaque placed on the bench as well. Lead time is 6-8 weeks for bench production. Production, delivery and installation comes in at roughly $2200. Since we raised over this amount, as a group we can decide what to do with the remaining money. I was thinking of asking the park what native plants we might be able to place around the bench and use the leftover money for that. Make it the most bitchin' bench in the park!! If anyone has other ideas (sponsor a family at the holidays, toys for tots, a summer concert, etc..) we are all ears.

Doug Wood aka Uncle Doug aka Woody has agreed to be the point person for the bench working with the parks once they reopen to coordinate delivery and installation.

We will be starting a website in the next few weeks. It's just a landing page for now but we own the domain. The goal here is to have a space to create and honor Davis. First up will be a sticker that we are having created by a well known artist, named Jerry Jaspar. Some of you may recognize his art, especially his bumper stickers - We will be reaching out to you all you soon for your addresses so we can mail you a bunch to give out and to "legally" sticker them around the world. More things to come in this vein.

Well, I think i I have rambled enough. If anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]

Love you all! Please be safe and smart in this weird time we are all living in. Prepare for the worst but act your best and please, turn off the news and get out in nature!

Remember to Smile Like Davis!!

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Richard Smock posted a new update:
almost 5 years ago

Update #3

Just a mere $125 to go!! Let's do it today!! Share, share, share!!!!

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Richard Smock posted a new update:
almost 5 years ago

Update #2

Only $645 left to go to reach our goal!!! Thanks to everyone who donated so far. Keep on sharing the love!!!

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Richard Smock posted a new update:
almost 5 years ago

Update #1

Wow!!! Over halfway there in under 12 hours!!! Thanks so much to everyone who donated. Remember to share, share, share and Smile Like Davis!!!!

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