Spencerville Adventist Academy

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From Spencerville Adventist Academy

This Christmas we want to help give the gift of literacy to the women of India. It only cost $25 to teach someone in India to read, and it changes their life forever!

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Literacy Makes a World of Difference

In many places where the church is growing the fastest, church leaders are discovering a hidden problem: illiteracy is preventing members from being able to read their Bibles, and it limits their ability to function in society. Street signs, newspapers, bus schedules, medicine bottles, contracts—all of the written tools for communicating—are closed to them.  Even though the Bible is available in the mother tongues of 90% of the world’s population, many cannot read it.

 In India more than half of women over the age of 15 have never learned to read. This can trap them in poverty and leave them helpless in many situations.

Worse yet: if they can’t read words, they can’t read The Word. This is why Hope for Humanity has committed to a partnership with the Southern Asia Division Women’s Ministries Department to reduce illiteracy in our churches and the communities they serve by operating literacy and learning circles in India.

 While old and young alike are able to participate, the majority of students are mothers who have not had the opportunity to learn to read for economic and social reasons. The literacy projects are conducted in churches, in member's homes, in schools, and in community centers. Teachers are volunteers recruited from the churches and communities where the projects are held. Hope for Humanity funds are used to help provide the training, teaching materials, and management of the overall program.

Since the beginning of this program 10 years ago over 50,000 learners—mostly women have learned to read, sign their names, and do basic math. That is enough people to fill every seat of a major league baseball stadium!

It cost just $25 to teach a mother to read. For an additional $5 they receive their own Bible and carrying case at the literacy graduation service.

Please prayerfully consider helping Hope for Humanity continue this life changing program. 

Hope for Humanity

12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20905  (301) 680-6439










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