Stability We Can Call HOME

Stability We Can Call HOME

From Chanal Prince

I am raising money to secure a new home for myself and my 7-year-old daughter. We unfortunately have been evicted from our current home and only have a few weeks to secure another home before our time here runs out

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about 1 month ago

Good afternoon,

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your support and donations. Im truly thankful for your assistance and care

More Info

Hello, my name is Chanal. I am a single mother of a beautiful seven-year-old named Sioux-Bella. Unfortunately, we have lost the home that we've lived in for the last 6 years and are facing eviction in weeks. 

We need help.

I am a 42-year-old full time employee of a Human Services company here in Philadelphia. I am also a CPR/FIRST Aid and AED instructor partnered with the American Red Cross. She is a precocious, extremely intelligent but very shy and anxious growing young woman. 

The last two years have been really tough financially, leading us here.

Though I have steady employment I just don't make enough to sustain a home and raise a child on my salary. With everything increasing in cost especially food and childcare I found myself struggling to keep up and eventually got so behind I no longer have the opportunity.

We have faced so many financial losses from losing our assistance from the state including our medical insurance to not almost losing our only means of transportation during inspection due to inability to pay for all state required repairs.

We both also have faced some medical obstacles with SB being diagnosed with "unprovoked" Grand Mal Seizures to several "lumps" being found in my breast and undergoing different methods of treatment to ensure my continued health. Co pays and unpaid bills have consumed me.

The last hurdle we struggle with is childcare for SB so that I have the time to teach CPR consistently and earn extra money with the American Red Cross. Sadly, this is where I have found my greatest struggle. Hiring a babysitter out of pocket is a very costly expense and I couldn't cover a steady sitter. I am an only child of a woman in her early 60's who still works full time to maintain her home and life. With no siblings and very little available family to rely on (by very little I mean none at one point not even my child's co parent) I found myself turning down opportunities that I'm sure would have changed our lives. I was forced to accept our reality and do the best I could but again I just kept finding myself in a deeper hole.

Things have begun to turn for the better however now we are out of time. Although I can maintain what would be our new rental budget, I again had some financial losses and need help securing the rest of the deposit for the home SB and I really want and need to continue to thrive.

The home we are praying for is located within walking distance of her school and is closer to my employment but more importantly closer to community centers where I can offer more classes both private and public to earn more money. 

Because I have quite a few credentials in human services and now with safety training for example being PQAS certified by the Keystone stars I would be in a location where I can offer low-cost classes to the community at large once settled but we really need help getting in.

I was a person who was always leery of sites like Go- Fund me and others however when I found myself facing homelessness with my only child, I decided to try this out because Faith is all I have to lean on so today, I'm going out on a limb with faith being my only net.

Whatever donation you can send is greatly appreciated and i promise you all you won't regret helping SB and I find the Stability we can finally call HOME.

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Chanal Prince posted a new update:
about 1 month ago

Update #1

Good afternoon,

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your support and donations. Im truly thankful for your assistance and care

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