OMYF is raising money to purchase new tool sets so each kid has their own sets and nobody is delayed due to waiting for a tool to become available.
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This project " stock the tool box" is just as the name sounds. We are in need of funds to expand our tool inventory due to our team growth. We meet 3 times per week to give the kids access to the race shop with the mentors and on average there is 10-15 people working in the race shop on separate projects. It becomes counter productive when group 1 is waiting for tooling that group 4 has. Funds generated for this project will be used to purchase rolling tool chests, hand tools such as: ratches, wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers, and hammers.
Gear Wrench, a very reputable tool company offers a pre-loaded tool box with all the essential tool that the kids need for there education. Gear Wrench retails this toolbox system for 3,999. If we could expand our tool inventory with 3 of theses toolbox systems it would increase productivity and education drastically. This would be a total cost of 12,000$
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