Help child refugees in the Middle East this Christmas

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Help child refugees in the Middle East this Christmas

From Solenne Thomas

Christians in the Middle-East have had to abandon their homes and flee ISIS in recent years. Let’s help A DEMAND FOR ACTION Provide them with the resources they need this winter!

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More Info

A Demand For Action advocates for the protection of Christian minorities in the Middle East and gives them a voice on the world stage. 

Its volunteers have helped to push the US and the EU to recognise ISIS atrocities as genocide and have raised awareness for the Christian minorities’ dire situation through world renowned outlets.

Who are they?

A Demand For Action is a global initiative which advocates for the protection of Christians and other minorities in the Middle East. They came together in June 2014 from a dozen countries to pool our energy and resources into a unified international effort. 

What do they do?

They first worked towards ensuring that ISIS's action against Christian is recognised as Genocide by both the USA and the EU. 

Why does it matter?

Many families had to leave their homes and town with very little but the clothes on their backs. Many of the children lost their parents and are now orphans. Although away from their homes and communities, they are still not safe or free to practice their religion freely and safely. 

What is the aim of the project ?

We are fundraising so as to provide the association with enough funds for toys for the children and boxes of supplies for the families.

Please help us make it happen! 

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