Support for Robert Dorr in the fight for MMJ and PTSD.

Support for Robert Dorr in the fight for MMJ and PTSD.

From Deleted User

We are raising money for court support and transportation of veterans from different parts of the country to tell their stories.

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Update #1

about 10 years ago

thank everyone very much for your support. Some things came through for me financially that will allow me to fund my campaign without the need for more outside donations(hopefully for good) for now.
I've set this page to 'finished' and no longer accepting donations.
My case is now at the stage where the state will not be able to avoid the heat and spotlight that is coming and I don't think we will need to go past the first jury to an appeals court, so hopefully I can fund the rest of this out of my own pocket.
Thanks again, Robert Dorr

More Info

Hi, my name is Robert Dorr, I was an artilleryman and am a disabled Army vet. In 1988 my lungs were chemically burned by acidic gas while on duty at Ft. Lewis, Wa. I have struggled with illnesses for many years as a result of this injury and the side effects of the medication used to treat my lungs. At 22 I became a type 2 diabetic, by 31 I had cataract replacements in both eyes. Mood disorders, bone and joint weakness, memory loss, and inabilty to sleep soon followed. In 2010 I got sun poisoning from head to foot, it was the result of one of the many drugs given to me to treat depression, zoloft. I had to quit the drug. A friend gave me some marijuana for the itching from the sun poisoning, which was intense.The iching was soon very tolerable, but that was only the beginning. My depression was also well treated and my memory, which was destroyed by prescription anti-psychotics, began to return as I was also able to stop those drugs as well. Within a few weeks I no longer required prescription narcotics, even with a rare and extemely painful congenital condition know as klippel trenaunay syndrome. In 2012 I was able to stop anxiety medications and in 2013 before my arrest I had come off of injected insulin and blood pressure medication. In the spring of 2013 I was diagnosed with 'suspect glaucoma' in both eyes, with some tearing, and minor vision loss. After beginning to take Medical Marijuana/Cannabis every 2 hours, as is suggested by doctors in states where MMJ is legal, the pressure in my eye has dropped to acceptable levels. I also lost 40 pounds since beginning to use every 2 hours. Most people would call that a success story, but the state of North Carolina calls it a felony.That is my story. As someone who knows first hand just how bad prescription medicines can hurt your body and mind, I could not sit quiety while others, especially fellow vets, were forced onto dangerous pills, creating life long addictions instead of improved health. I also know first hand that MMJ can be a safe and life saving medicine for many.We need money for expert testimony from a doctor. If we can afford that, we can win without having to wait for the trial. It's going to take about $10,000 to get this done. By now, I have personally spend nearly that much from my own pocket in supporting the cause and have no money left or I would not ask you your assistance.I hope you will support this cause, for veterans, but also for every other person who can benefit, but instead suffers in our state of NC.Thank You, Robert Dorr  

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Deleted User posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

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thank everyone very much for your support. Some things came through for me financially that will allow me to fund my campaign without the need for more outside donations(hopefully for good) for now.
I've set this page to 'finished' and no longer accepting donations.
My case is now at the stage where the state will not be able to avoid the heat and spotlight that is coming and I don't think we will need to go past the first jury to an appeals court, so hopefully I can fund the rest of this out of my own pocket.
Thanks again, Robert Dorr

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