Sweet 16 Event (2024)

Sweet 16 Event (2024)

From Sandra Pearson

I'm raising money for my daughter's Sweet 16 - Winter Wonderland theme (November 2024). Funds will go toward renting event space, decorations, cake, food, Sweet 16 dress, and shoes.

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Winter Wonderland Sweet 16 for Our Daughter ~ Please help Us Make a Dream Come True

Dear Friends and Supporters,

I am reaching out to you with a heartfelt plea for help. My daughter is turning 16 this November, and I would love nothing more than to give her a special celebration that she truly deserves — a Winter Wonderland Sweet 16.

Our family has faced numerous challenges over the past few years. After my divorce from my husband, a U.S. Navy veteran, life became incredibly difficult. We had to make many sacrifices, and unfortunately, her dance classes and many other activities were put on hold. The pain of explaining to her why her father had to go into the hospital and why our family wouldn't be living together under one roof anymore was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Through it all, we relied on our faith to guide us and keep us strong.Despite these hardships, my daughter has shown incredible resilience and grace. She has excelled in school and always maintained a positive attitude, even when she had to go without the things her friends enjoyed. I’ve seen her quietly endure the feelings of wanting but never expressing them because she didn’t want to burden me. One day I asked her why she didn't ask for the sneakers if she knew she wanted them, and her response was, "Because I knew you didn't have the money to buy them."  I know her heart was broken, but as a teen, she won't admit it.  

As a mother, my greatest wish is to see her smile and feel celebrated. That’s why I’m asking for your support in making her Sweet 16 a magical event. We’re aiming to create a Winter Wonderland theme that will bring joy and happiness into her life — a dream she has quietly held onto despite the difficulties we’ve faced.  No matter how many birthdays went by, she has always loved the movie "Frozen," and has always said, "I want a Winter Wonderland birthday party," but I could never afford it.  I still can't afford it, but this is her 16th birthday, a milestone for her to look back on when she's older and feel immense joy.  I would like to create this memory that she can look back on one day and smile.Your generous donations will help cover the costs of the event space, decorations, food, and other essentials to make this event unforgettable. Every contribution, no matter how small, will go directly towards creating a beautiful and memorable experience for her.  

Thank you for taking the time to read our story. With your help, we hope to make this special day a reality for our daughter.  Your support would mean the world to us. Thank you and God Bless!Warmest regards, Sandra

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