Tahosa Wood-Chipper Fund Raiser

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Update #2

about 4 years ago

Thanks for everyone helping to achieve this goal. I took our Denver girls Troop 262 to Tahosa this past weekend and delivered our donations totaling $730.28 (donations minus page fees). Although we didn't reach our goal, the funds were received graciously and will be put to good use at the camp. Thank you!

More Info

Tahosa High Adventure Base, owned and operated by the Denver Area Council Scouts BSA is what I call a “happy place”. I’ve been involved in scouting for over 25 years, and there is no other camp I truly look forward to visiting since moving to Colorado. The pristine mountain air, beautiful lake, well kept facilities and overall layout for scouts and troops is like no other. It’s a true gem, and due to Covid-19 has been closed for the 2020 season. Camp Director Tonia Lyman and Camp Ranger Marc Lyman are phenomenal scouters, who take tremendous pride in the upkeep and operation of the camp. We are lucky to have such an amazing camp for scouts to enjoy from not just Colorado, but all over. When Philmont Scout ranch closed in 2019 due to wild-fires, the Tahosa Trek and Alpine Trek accommodated scouts from around the world who were already in transit to Philmont prior to closing. Those scouts had an amazing experience, and some scouts who attended Philmont in previous years said that the experience even rivaled Philmont!

The purpose of this funding campaign is to gather help in purchasing a much needed wood-chipper the property can use to handle the extraordinary amount of felled trees from rough winters and recent storms.

Much of the property maintenance involves service-hour opportunities for scouts as well as efforts from the Tahosa Alumni Association organizes, but some of this maintenance is not appropriate for scouts to tackle and requires machinery to keep up with the extensive labor needed to clear downed trees. On a recent visit, I asked Mark and Tonia what would be a significant tool they could use to improve the camp, and although there are many, this wood-chipper would be very valuable with their efforts to maintain the camp.

Due to the camp being closed there is very little the Council can provide Tahosa financially and they are running off a shoestring budget. Without camp being open, they can’t justify the expense as it’s been tough on every camp without an income. I’m asking we help Mark and Tonia with a donation of a wood-chipper, so they can tackle the huge job of clearing these felled trees, and have the tool available to them for several years to come.

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Robert Germain posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #4

Thanks for everyone helping to achieve this goal. I took our Denver girls Troop 262 to Tahosa this past weekend and delivered our donations totaling $730.28 (donations minus page fees). Although we didn't reach our goal, the funds were received graciously and will be put to good use at the camp. Thank you!

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Robert Germain posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #3

Great momentum for the start of this funding campaign! Thank you to all who have supported, but we haven't met our goal yet. Please continue to share!

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