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TCS Gives

From Country School

*CHALLENGE* If 25 new donations are made to the Annual Fund between now and June 30, one generous alumnus will make a gift of $2500! Gifts of all sizes make a difference.

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More Info

TCS's Annual Fund is a tax-deductible opportunity to support the school, bridging the gap between tuition income and the actual cost of offering our world class education to every student.

Why Give to the Annual Fund?

At The Country School, we are committed to a vigorous academic curriculum – one that prepares students to thrive alongside the top scientists, historians, mathematicians, writers, artists, and thinkers anywhere. But we also believe that to be truly valuable, truly lasting, an education must also foster social and emotional growth.

To address this affective aspect of our curriculum, we have developed four mission-driven signature programs:

  • Elmore Leadership
  • MacLane Poetry 
  • Public Speaking
  • Outdoor Education

Starting with our youngest students, every learner at TCS ages in a series of activities and experiences designed to teach collaboration and communication, critical thinking, and creativity. They learn what it means to be kind, to empathize, and to really listen to others. They learn the value of cooperation and teamwork and what it's like to persevere through challenges.To be truly "educated," we believe that cognitive learning and affective learning must go hand in hand. Ultimately, what matters most is not what we know, but our ability to take this understanding and use it to make a positive difference in the world.

Make a Gift to Make a Difference today

Each year, hundreds of Annual Fund donors help make The Country School student experience a reality. Gifts range in size, but when added together, their support changes lives. Every gift matters and every student benefits. 

You can make a difference in students lives’, knowing they will affect the lives of many.

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