Tender Love & Care Packages

Tender Love & Care Packages

From Tiffany Pham

I'm raising money for a cause I care about, but I need your help to reach my goal! Please become a supporter to follow my progress and share with your friends.

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Update #1

almost 10 years ago

Thank you so much everyone for your generous donations and constant support! Since I reached my starting goal of $500 with ten days remaining, I decided to increase my goal to $600 to help contribute more to the cause. I am extremely grateful for the donations received and hope you continue to support my new goal. Happy Holidays!

More Info

Welcome to my page! 

Tender Love and Care Packages is a project that provides care packages for the homeless. For the holidays, I will be putting together gift bags filled with toiletries, snacks, water bottles, and all the essentials for the colder weather. The money donated will be used towards purchasing all the items. I plan to hand deliver the packages to people in need, both on the streets and through non-profit organizations. The amount of money remaining will be donated to InnVision Shelter Network. I would appreciate all the help I can get to reach my goal of $500 before Christmas! If you are unable to donate money,  I am also accepting any clothing or can donations and will personally deliver them to Loaves and Fishes during the week of Christmas. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you so much for your support and Happy Holidays! 

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Tiffany Pham posted a new update:
almost 10 years ago

Update #1

Thank you so much everyone for your generous donations and constant support! Since I reached my starting goal of $500 with ten days remaining, I decided to increase my goal to $600 to help contribute more to the cause. I am extremely grateful for the donations received and hope you continue to support my new goal. Happy Holidays!

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