The Lakota Sewing Circle

The Lakota Sewing Circle

From Lisa Iron Cloud

We have created the Lakota Sewing Circle for any one who is interested in learning how to sew or just to simply be in the company of fellow sewers while receiving encouragement, sharing ideas and learning from each other

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Recent Updates

Update #15

over 9 years ago

Visit our page to view our updates on Facebook: Lakota Sewing Circle. We have posted new pictures of our past meet. Thank you every one for supporting us and please continue to share our campaign!

More Info

I am working with two other ladies to get our Sewing Circle up and running to help ladies who aren't able to devote any time to their Sewing and Arts and Crafts projects because of busy schedules, the inability to get a break from watching children, or the lack of financial ability to afford materials to complete projects.  So far, through donations, we have obtained two sewing machines, two totes of scrap fabric, a few spools of thread and a shoe box full of patterns.  We are asking for help to obtain more Sewing materials and Arts & Crafts materials the ladies can use. 

Our first meeting was Saturday, April 12, 2014 at the Oyate Community Center in Lakota Homes.  We will be meeting again on April 26, 2014.  We have set up sewing stations (table with two sewing machines, ironing boards and irons set up for use, an area to cut fabric, and tables for anyone to sit and work on projects) for participants to use to complete their projects. During our meet, a few ladies said they were excited for the Sewing Circle because it will allow them to have actual "down time"and give them a chance to express themselves creatively.  One lady stated that sewing is a form of therapy for her and is looking forward to our next meet. 

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Lisa Iron Cloud posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #15

Visit our page to view our updates on Facebook: Lakota Sewing Circle. We have posted new pictures of our past meet. Thank you every one for supporting us and please continue to share our campaign!

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Lisa Iron Cloud posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Mobile update

Dont forget, we post all updates on our facebook page and share our campaign, Thank you!

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Lisa Iron Cloud posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #13

Our last meet went incredibly well with more sewers joining the Lakota Sewing Circle. We are still looking for donations, please share our campaign and visit our Facebook page- Lakota Sewing Circle for updates and photos! Thank you for your support!

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Lisa Iron Cloud posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Mobile update

Check out our page for more updates! Thank you!

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Lisa Iron Cloud posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #11

The Lakota Sewing Circle has been invited to participate in the Lakota Emergence project You can go to. to find out what the project is about! Thank you!

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Lisa Iron Cloud posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #10

The Lakota Sewing Circle has been invited to participate in this incredible project! Keep an eye on our page for updates! Thank you!

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Lisa Iron Cloud posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #9

We've added our member spotlight to our Lakota Sewing Circle Facebook page. This will allow everyone to meet each member in our sewing circle. Visit our page and meet our first member spotlight: Dollie Red Elk! Thank you for supporting us!

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Lisa Iron Cloud posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #8

We are growing! Our meeting went very well, we need to raise money for more supplies! Any and all donations and support is appreciated, Thank you!

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Lisa Iron Cloud posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Mobile update

We are meeting this Saturday! So exciting! We will post pictures :)

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Lisa Iron Cloud posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #6

We are still going strong! Yay! We will be meeting every other Saturday for the rest of the 2015 year. We just met on January 10th. We have a great variety of skills levels of sewers with everyone teaching each other, sharing ideas and encouraging one another. We have a Facebook page: Lakota Sewing Circle, stop by and check us out! Thank you for your support!

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Lisa Iron Cloud posted a new update:
almost 10 years ago

Mobile update

Dont forget to visit us on our facebook page! Thank you for your support

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Lisa Iron Cloud posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

Check Out My Latest Campaign Update

We started our first Starquilt tonight that will be used for raffle- all proceeds will go towards materials needed for the Sewing Circle. We have a few pictures posted and will take more and post more tomorrow. We also have two videos that will follow. Thank you for supporting us! Please share our campaign!

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Lisa Iron Cloud posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

Mobile update

Good morning! We are requesting supporters and donations again today :) please read our campaign, watch our video and share! Thank you!

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Lisa Iron Cloud posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

Check Out My Latest Campaign Update

We have been researching the prices of materials we will need for our Sewing Circle. Updated today, please take a look at our campaign. Thank you!
Help me reach my campaign goal as part of #FundlyGivesBack! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

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Lisa Iron Cloud posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

Check Out My Latest Campaign Update

We will be taking pics and giving updates as we progress :) Thank you for your support!
Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

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