Tips for Social Media Writers: How to Get Inspired

Tips for Social Media Writers: How to Get Inspired

From Raheel Bhatti

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Even if you are an experienced social media marketer, you may find yourself in a dead end when there is a lack of ideas on how to promote a certain product or service. Even the busiest businessmen find the time to post the occasional Facebook status, tweet, or link to an article simply because that proven strategy pays off.

Social media is changing the way people interact with each other and creates many chances for dynamic online promotion. You have a chance to benefit from these behavioral changes and promote yourself or your business most effectively.

However, if you want your social media marketing campaign to become and remain effective, you will have to deal with situations when you don’t feel inspired enough to write another post. There is always something more to give; you just have to find the inspiration and something to write whether you feel like it or not. 

The following tricks will help you focus on your goals and stay motivated to bring your social media campaign a step further.

1. Discover the joy in social media writing

Social media writing shouldn’t make you miserable. If this task is a burden for you, maybe you should reconsider your career choice. You don’t have to force yourself to cover topics you don’t like, but you have to find the joy and the real reason why you decided to focus on this profession. 

Even though social media campaigns are your obligation, you can make this activity more motivating and enjoyable if you invite your followers to comment and join the discussion. You will be surprised how fun it can be when you interact with your base of followers, listen to what they have to say, and learn from their feedback.

2. Read motivational books

If you cannot stay motivated, the answer to your problem is obvious: read motivational books. 

You can choose a book closely associated with social media, but you can also turn to motivational stories of famous people you can relate to. 

3. Listen to Stephen King: Close the door!

When it comes to writing, everyone has a lot to learn from Stephen King. 

He recommends writers create their first draft with the door closed (which means that they need to focus solely on their own opinions), and then revise the piece with the door open (meaning you should imagine what your readers would have to say when they read what you have to say).

4. Interact with your base of followers

When you invite your social media followers to comment on your activity, products, or services, you will gain valuable feedback that will only motivate you to become better. 

Don’t be bitter about the negative comments and expect them in a large number. People on social media love bullying, but you can learn from every single comment associated with your campaign, be it positive or negative. It could be a great idea to invest in social support software to turn leads into buyers.

5. Write in a dialogue mode

Do you know which social media posts get the most attention? 

The ones that don’t sound like snappy monologues and the readers can almost hear the writers’ voices through them. You can motivate yourself to develop this type of writing style by finding inspiration in smart dialogues from books, movies, or TV shows. 

Writing in a conversational style takes training and practice to master, but the increased feedback you will get should certainly keep you motivated to work on your skills.

6. Can’t think of anything witty to write? Listen to inspiring music!

Listening to music while writing helps many professional writers stay focused and get inspired, so you should try to implement this simple trick and see if it works for you. 

If you get distracted by the sounds while writing, you can adjust the method to your preferences: listen to music you love before you write and keep your mind as blank as it can be.

7. Find inspiration in quotations

I would be surprised if you didn’t know this, but people on social media love quotations. They love reading and sharing quotations because they make them look smart and deep. 

You can use this inclination of your social media followers and find memorable, insightful, and witty quotations associated with your niche. 

Share them on your page, and you will soon feel the benefits of shares and likes (more social media users will be brought to your profile).

Bonus: Ask ChatGPT

Finally, if you still feel uninspired, prompt ChatGPT for some social media content ideas. It could take a few follow-up prompts until you come across a really good idea but it always works!


The most important thing for social media writers is to enjoy what you do. Some marketers approach this task as something they simply must do, but that is not the right way to stay motivated. Creating diverse content takes a lot of time and energy but it is key for setting up a Linktree.

You need to make yourself comfortable in the social media community and find a way to enjoy the interaction with your readers.

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