Toys for the Kids of Ecuador

Toys for the Kids of Ecuador

From Daniel Mcdonald

Hello, my name is Danny McDonald. I will be traveling to Quito, Ecuador for the holidays and I thought of an idea to benefit some children who could really use it.

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Update #2

about 11 years ago

Happy #GivingTuesday Please be sure to check out my mission to bring Toys to children in Ecuador You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

More Info

Project Completed! You can view the photos here!

When I used to live in Quito, Ecuador during my middle school. I used to help kids by giving away some of my old toys to children who didn't have a home. Their faces used to light up more than any other donation they have ever received to know that they will have a toy during the holiday season. I will be going back to Ecuador for the first time in the holiday season since 2004 and I thought of a neat quick idea to benefit some children who could really need it. I want to bring an extra suitcase with me filled with toys for boys and girls to give away to the ones in Quito who could really use them. Please help me to relive that moment to make a kids holiday season happier.

Please help me spread this campaign and feel free to donate anything you can.

A video will be documented from the children themselves thanking each person who donated to the campaign.

Thank you for your time


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Daniel Mcdonald posted a new update:
about 11 years ago

Happy #GivingTuesday

Happy #GivingTuesday Please be sure to check out my mission to bring Toys to children in Ecuador You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

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Daniel Mcdonald posted a new update:
about 11 years ago

Purpose of the Money

My name is Daniel McDonald and I will be traveling to Quito, Ecuador during the Holidays. I used to live in Quito during my middle school. It always hit me how many children do not have a home in the capitol of Ecuador. During the holidays that I lived in Quito our family would give some toys to kids on the street. Their reaction to receiving a toy lights up their world compared to getting money or even food. I have not been in Ecuador during the holidays since 2004. I thought of a quick idea that I believe will benefit a good amount of kids. I would like to raise 100 dollars for my trip to help. Sixty dollars will go to the luggage fee on my airline and the other forty will go to buying toys for as many boys and girls that I can fill the bag for.

Thank you to anyone who can help out with this idea.


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