Broken Open~Treating Trauma for a Traumatized Nation

Broken Open~Treating Trauma for a Traumatized Nation

From Susan Belitsky

I am raising money for the treatment of trauma and PTSD for the many human beings suffering in this gut-wrenching war; soldiers, family members, victims, and the many various others affected and perhaps invisible.

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This is a four-fold fundraiser designed so that you can place your money precisely where your heart meets your values and your value meets action. 

Treating Trauma ~ Jewish Identity ~ Animal-Human Bond ~ Meeting the Other. 

I am a true Social Worker at heart and my stance has always been that we must care for the soul, live in our bodies, connect this body to the earth, and from this hopefully grounded place~ meet the other with an authenticity of kindness we each deserve. My work works on each of these levels: trauma, identity, animals, the other. 

You can read about my work and follow my journey on my website

I will do a series of walks and tours to raise awareness of the nature and possibilities around trauma and the profound resources we have in this land for personally compelling multi-narrative recovery and healing. The neuroscience will meet the trails and the money will go my work in each of these four categories.  I will be documenting and writing about my journey along trails and I hope you will sponsor me for these walks.  

You can then choose which area you wish to fund.  Treating Trauma ~ Jewish Identity ~ Animal-Human Bond ~ Meeting the Other. This part of the fundraiser is for the trauma aspect. Stay tuned for the adventure-based therapy adventures every day for the month of August. 

Broken Open: Our Status and My Status

We are all battle-weary and scared and doing the best we can to carry on life and hold onto our sanity in the unbalance of war and moral dissonance.  I have always believed the balance and health of this country depend on addressing the multilayered complicated cocktail of complex trauma, intergenerational trauma, vicarious trauma, and collective trauma that lives in the body of everyone here affecting every single interaction.  Now we have an unprecedented opportunity to raise our nation's health level by bringing trauma-informed treatment to as many people as possible.  October 7 shatters so much and we have broken open; the strong and mighty characters here are open to therapy.  

I am volunteering for soldier treatment days; unbelievable days where hundreds of therapists from all professional fields from bodywork to psychotherapy offer their care and expertise to soldiers and the many relatives and victims of this crazy war we are all subjected to whether we agree, disagree, or protest. These days are unbelievable... You see soldiers from all backgrounds, religious, hiloni/secular, Jewish, Bedouin, Druze getting massages, reflexology, osteopathy, or with me and many other psychotherapists... EMDR, EFT Tapping, Somatic Experiencing, and Trauma Release. These are my credentials along with Clinical Social Work, Recreational Therapy and Expressive Arts Therapy, and combined with my Israeli Tour Guide knowledge I'm doing a sort of adaptive, intensive trauma education and somatic relief and reprocessing so people can feel in their bodies that this stuff really works and know to keep looking for treatment. Trauma is not a life sentence with the right care. 

Right now what fills the demand is free and accessible treatment as easy as possible.  I am asking for donations so I can continue to do these treatment days 2-3 days a week and offer personal sessions to those invisible and off the radar along with the heroes we know are reaching.  Sometimes you just need. money... and as easy as possible.  Life here is so intensely complicated. Anything simplified would be a gift from heaven. 

My full vision and business plan are included and elucidated on my website. 

This fundraiser is for direct treatment and also for the overhead of my work/living space.  Most of my work is volunteer- as for many of the therapists and healers now and I deeply wish to keep it that way~ for the immediacy of the current crisis.  It is very hard to take money right from people inflicted by a situation that seems insanely wheeling out of anyone's grasp.  I do need a salary, so I've turned to fundraising and finding financial backing for my therapeutic business. This is my business. 

Life Untethered: My Status~thankfully securely connected to nature.

Many of you know I was living in a Bedouin Village in the north on October 7 when all hell broke loose here.  My studio office space is also in the village as a base for therapeutic care and tourism.  Although the village was safe, I felt I needed to leave and be in a Jewish environment where I understood more of what was going on around me. Many Bedouin men serve in the army and they too were called up for duty as others; we were all nervous together.  But times were so uncertain then.  We had no idea what would happen and as I do not speak Arabic, it was hard for me to stay informed.  I moved temporarily to the Jewish moshav on the other side of my beautiful oak forest. It was a temporary solution, followed by another temporary solution there, and then another move to the. center of the country; also temporary until I find a new place to live and work.  My work in therapeutic adventure and tour guiding completely crashed to a halt.  My home, office, and work were all uprooted in the upheaval of these traumatic months in the collective experience here.

The sooner I have the financial. means and find a place the more available I can be for the much-needed therapeutic work. In the meantime doing these therapy days for soldiers has allowed me a beautiful framework for contributing my expertise in trauma-informed therapy and being a part of an incredibly skillful and supportive therapeutic community.  I want to be working at full capacity right now. Please help me with the funding necessary to move and relocate, settle and work. 

The rent in my studio space doubled since the beginning of the war and the owner needs the space for his own means of financial recovery from this war.  I have to move and find a new place. 

So.... please contribute as your heart moves you:

To support soldier therapy days.

Individual therapy sessions for soldiers and victims.

Individual therapy sessions for anyone.

Recreational therapy activities. 

Relocation of my work and living space. I am looking for a place where I can both live and build a retreat space for working. 

If you are particularly interested in the Jewish Identity aspect of my work please put your donation here....

More about my work on my evolving website

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