Because you are a good person ...

Because you are a good person ...

From Oksana Enriquez

Hi, me again! Please read my story and donate your "cup of coffee" or more :) to my cause! For those who know & don't know me I just came back from the front lines in Ukraine, it's time for me to help refugees here.

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Many of you know i just came back from Ukraine, where i serve as a volunteer for over 900 days of what has been going on in Ukraine (Funny, i cannot even use the three-letter word starting with "w" because i will be banned on Social Media and from creating this fundraiser). During my time as a volunteer with the help of my amazing friends and people, who trust me we helped over 100000 families stuck in the front line. We brought people generators, food, adult diapers, wheel chairs, medication, portable stoves, candles, hospital beds to overwhelmed hospitals and much much much much more.

When i came back to HI i realized that the struggle is also very real here. For my family and for my families who are forced out of their homes and seek refugee all over the world. 

As a woman you are not only forced to abandon your many degrees and clean toilets, but also constantly degraded by MANY men you meet, making snarky comments "are you are only here for a green card",  label you as a "gold digger", looking at you from the top as if you are LESS. When people look at you with distrust before you even open your mouth and then make fun of your accent. I ve been there and I’ve experienced it ALL as an immigrant.

Anyway, I am asking you to support my people and donate your “cup of coffee” or “cheat meal” to show support to the community of refugees. If you see a Ukrainian woman looking fabulous, know she just worked her ass off, and still she tries to look presentable and keep her chin and head high. She is probably dying inside, but all she wants is to do good and be accepted.

Depending on how much money I can raise, I would like to donate some to the Ukrainian center to be established here and the to a single mum working her way up in a messed-up world. This is me trying to build people back up after they are constantly shown that they are not good enough.


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