Veteran seeks help with medical mystery!

Veteran seeks help with medical mystery!

From Shawn Blum

Hey there! We're rallying support for Shawn Blum, who’s facing a tough medical mystery with mounting bills and expenses. Each donation can truly ease his family's burden, so please consider supporting!

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I'm Shawn Blum. I am a mechanic with 4 beautiful children. I love turning wrenches and am determined to get back to doing what I love. My story is a little bit bizarre, as we still don't know what is causing the issue. Updates will be posted on here as we know more. Unfortunately, the medical bills are wracking up along with the expenses that come with traveling to these doctors multiple times a week. Please consider helping make this medical mystery not be such a significant blow for my family.

Here is my story...

On 07-09-2024 Skye brought me into the emergency room for muscle spasms, they were painful and were making it hard to breath. I hadn't slept in two days from being off a medication. I had finally gotten some sleep and woke up to terrible, whole body muscle spasms. The doctor was convinced that it was anxiety and gave me an injection. This injection is an antipsychotic that is also known to cause dystonia. The doctor ruled out seizures, a heart attack, and blamed my mental health for the symptoms I was experiencing. I left the hospital and went back home; I was very lethargic and slept all night.

The next day, 07-10-2024, I returned to the emergency room. The muscle spasms were worsening, I was unable to speak, close my mouth, and vomited. My CK level had elevated to 1,450, almost triple of what it had been the previous day. The first CT scan was performed of my spine. The doctor believed that this was likely a withdrawal reaction to the SSRI I was taking. They gave the same injection and various medications to treat the withdrawal and dystonia. I then spit up blood tinged mucus, so a CT of the chest was obtained. Nothing was found on these CTs.

The following day, 07-11-2024, the spasms continued. I went to the VA hospital for a second opinion after being told by a primary care doctor to stop all medications. I didn't think it would be appropriate to stop all medications, especially since the doctor I previously had saw was claiming it was withdrawal. The primacy care doctor didn't agree and said she thought it was a medication interaction from everything I was being prescribed. The VA told me to continue the medications and that I should see some improvement. All my labs were still wonky.

On 07-12-2024, I returned to the VA hospital for a rash that presented. It was all over my body and was bright red, but didn't itch. The stopped the medications for the muscle spasms and started me on a steroid. The rash got better, but the muscle spasms worsened.

On 07-15-2024, I returned to the VA hospital again. I had continued to have muscle spasms, weakness, tingling, numbness, etc. but I assumed they couldn't help me and was just waiting out my neurology appointment. However, I started having right side weakness. I would smile and my face would droop, I couldn't lift objects with my right side, and I was having difficulty walking. A stroke code was issued and I was transferred to UW. Thankfully, everything came back negative for a stroke!

Throughout the next few weeks we continued seeing primary care doctors, VA doctors, I went to some homeopathic therapies, had multiple labs revisited, and awaited/still await a neurology consult. My reflexes do not respond consistently, I continue to have the same symptoms, and we find out that in a month I have lost 20 pounds. We contacted Mayo Clinic, but unfortunately we were denied neurology treatment there. We are submitting another request.

On 07-31-2024, the ambulance was called. I was struggling to breath, had a tremor, and muscle spasms. Again, multiple tests were completed and we were unable to find an answer.

On 08-12-2024, the chiropractor told us that I have an issue with my cerebellum, which causes coordination, balance, memory, a multiple other issues. My spine has a area that is straight and a few other things that were a little off. He did an adjustment.

We continue to seek anyone who can offer anything to make these muscle spasms go away. We continue testing with the primary care doctor for things this could be until we get to neurology. We hope this is a neurological issue that is easily fixed but until then we battle the muscle spasms and other symptoms that come with it.

Please consider helping my family out; whether that be support, prayers, pointing us in the direction of resources, offering advice on somewhere to turn to, etc.

We will update as we find out more information and thank everyone for their support during this time.

Shawn and Family.

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