"Vin & Jill" Scene Production

"Vin & Jill" Scene Production

From Grace Foster

We are looking to shoot a scene from our transgender sitcom pilot. We're hoping to raise $1,500 to cover cast and crew compensation, and equipment rentals.

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Update #4

about 7 years ago

Hey, we reached our goal of $1,500!! Thank you to everyone who pledged and posted. Seriously, we couldn't have done it without you.

Stay tuned to see the "Vin & Jill" bar scene in it's entirety, as well as other promotional goodies.

Thank you and love you!!

More Info

Hello friends, family, and soon to be fans,

I'm proud to introduce you Vin & Jill:

Vin & Jill is a coming of age story set in New York.  The show follows Vinny, a young trans man, in his quest to be self-supporting, aside Jill who drags him along every step of the way.  His goal is no easy task with one foot in the progressive queer world, and the other being pulled back to conservative Staten Island.

My writing partner and I have been working on Vin & Jill for over three years and have one solid pilot and an outline for six seasons.  Last year we were fortunate enough to place in the semi-finals for the Made in New York Writer's Room pilot competition.

Currently we're looking to shoot the Bar Scene from the pilot.  The scene is one in which Jill follows Vin into a bar to convince him not to drink.  He's already been sober for a few days and she doesn’t want to see him relapse. 

This is a self-funded endeavor, and as a result we are looking for all the help we can.  We're hoping to raise $1,500 to cover cast and crew compensation, and equipment rentals.

Any support is greatly appreciated.  If you cannot donate, please feel free to share this with friends, family, and connections. 

All donations of $100 or more will receive a signed production still.

Help us support queer storytelling.  Help us bring visibility to the community.


Grace Foster

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Grace Foster posted a new update:
about 7 years ago

Update #4

Hey, we reached our goal of $1,500!! Thank you to everyone who pledged and posted. Seriously, we couldn't have done it without you.

Stay tuned to see the "Vin & Jill" bar scene in it's entirety, as well as other promotional goodies.

Thank you and love you!!

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Grace Foster posted a new update:
about 7 years ago

Update #3

Hey everyone! We are proud to announce we have reached our 10% goal for the "Vin & Jill" scene production campaign!

Thank you for all of your support so far!


Grace Foster

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Grace Foster posted a new update:
about 7 years ago

Update #2

Hey everyone! We are proud to announce we have reached our 10% goal for the "Vin & Jill" scene production campaign!

Please help us get closer by donating for production costs. Even an amount as small as $10 or $5 truly helps.

If you cannot donate then please share this campaign with a friend :^)

Thank you for all of your support so far!

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Grace Foster posted a new update:
about 7 years ago

Update #1

Hey everyone! We are proud to announce we have reached our 10% goal for the "Vin & Jill" scene production campaign!

Please help us get closer by donating for production costs. Even an amount as small as $10 or $5 truly helps.

If you cannot donate then please share this campaign with a friend :^)

Thank you for all of your support so far!

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