A large portion of those living on The Warm Springs Reservation have been without consistent water access since 2014. We have been working closely with Warm Springs Emergency Management to meet this ongoing need.
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The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs have been without consistent water access since 2014. A large portion of those living on the Reservation rely solely on bottled water and the need is great. We have been making consistent water, food, and supply runs to the tribe since spring of 2020 and are currently working to ensure water reserves will be stocked through the summer and after. In the past 3 months we have brought 29 pallets or 8,352 gallons of water and will be making weekly runs until needs are met.
The Fundly platform will be a continuous source for us to pull funds from directly in support of and under the guidance of the Warm Springs Tribal Emergency Management Team . We will be using this fund throughout the Summer and Fall, designating it as a seperate place for Warm Springs donations specifically. All funds will be used for the purchase and transportation of water and supplies as requested by the Warm Springs Tribal Emergency Management Team. Every dollar helps.
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