Kalambi Village: Water for Life

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Kalambi Village: Water for Life

From Jennifer Brown

Water is life. That's why I'm raising funds to supply Kalambi Village with clean, fresh water by digging a new borehole.

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Update #5

almost 5 years ago

The borehole is finished! Thank you to everyone who donated. Kalambi Village received a miracle.

More Info

On May 13, 2019, I visited Kalambi Village, four hours north of Kampala, the capital of Uganda. My team and I went to Kalambi to distribute schools supplies, visit the cows and crops, and assess the water situation.

To my surprise, the water was worse than I imagined. I knew there was dirty drinking water in Africa, but it was only on this fourth trip to the continent that I saw something as stomach-turning as this:

This is the water the community uses to drink, bathe, and cook with. However, there is fresh, clean water nearby. It just happens to be underground. 

By digging a borehole like the one seen below, we can bring fresh, clean, lifesaving water to the people and animlas of Kalambi Village. This borehole is located at the new Canaan African Children Foundation (CACF) in Mityana, Uganda. I teamed up with CACF for my trip to Uganda and this is one of the many projects they have completed in the past. 

CACF: "Water is Life"

Above: Amos and Esther of CACF and me (Brown Mission Society). This water pump is available for the entire village of Mityana at no cost. 

The water is deliciously cold!

With fresh, clean, cold water to drink on a hot day, Kalambi village will be transformed. 

With clean water, everyone will be healthier, including the animals people depend upon for food and income. With clean water, families will take a huge step out of poverty. 

Above and below: The children of Kalambi lining up to receive their school supplies.

Once the borehole is complete, CACF and myself will implement a sustainable small business "school" where families can learn to raise livestock and utilize their land for growing crops. 

Your generous donation will renew this community with life saving water. Join us on our journey. 

Breakdown of Borehole Costs

Steel cylinder, pipes, rods, and head pump: $705

Bricks (2000): $112

Lake sand and pit sand: $140

Cement (10 bags): $845

Water proof cement (10 packs): $11

Iron bars (2): $16

Steel wire: $3

Weld wire: $16.00

Nails (1kg): $16.00

Timbers (8): $30.00

Transportation to and from site: $310

Food and water for workers: $30

Labor costs: $1,410

Total: $3,644

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Jennifer Brown posted a new update:
almost 5 years ago

Update #5

The borehole is finished! Thank you to everyone who donated. Kalambi Village received a miracle.

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Jennifer Brown posted a new update:
almost 5 years ago

Update #4

Working hard on constructing the borehole.

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Jennifer Brown posted a new update:
almost 5 years ago

Update #3

We hit water!!!

I wonder what Isaac is thinking about? Perhaps all the ways fresh, clean water will transform so many lives.

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Jennifer Brown posted a new update:
almost 5 years ago

Update #2

As we dig the borehole, we're also working on a large chicken house. This will be the center of our chicken program where we will teach the residents of Kalambi Village how to successfully raise chickens for food and profit. The only way this could happen is with clean water. We can't wait to hit the underground river! Thank you for all your contributions.

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Jennifer Brown posted a new update:
almost 5 years ago

Update #1

We hit about 80 feet so far. Water will come soon!

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