What Real Love Means to Me

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Please note: Donations will show up on your credit card statement as "FUN*WHAT REAL LO”

Donate at our website:  senderosguatemala.org

Senderos was founded by David and Deanna LaMotte in 2004, and has served thousands of Guatemalan children in the more than two decades since. Escuela David LaMotte is one of three primary projects that Senderos supports, along with many smaller ones. Nino Tecún, a local Maya man who started the school, asked David for help in funding the construction of a one-room school house, and then, as a surprise to David, named it after him. 

The school has grown over the last twenty years, and is now expanding by a grade level each year, with the 2025 school year bringing second grade. The beautiful school building has been built with support from many partners including Rotary International, global tech company AppFire, and the parents themselves, who contributed to many fundraisers to achieve the dream of quality education for their kids. 

Senderos is supported almost entirely through private donations, and we welcome your partnership in raising these much-needed funds. If you would like to come with us to see the impact for yourself, we lead trips each summer, and there is still room on the 2025 trip. For more information, please visit https://senderosguatemala.org/trips/open-trip/

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