White Half for the White Helmets Saving Lives in Syria

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White Half for the White Helmets Saving Lives in Syria

From Nahema Marchal

I am fundraising to raise awareness about and support the work of the White Helmets, also known as the Syrian Civil Defense — a group of nearly 3,000 volunteers rescuing Syrian civilians targeted by indiscriminate bombs.

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Update #3

almost 8 years ago


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On October 30th, I will be running the Wimbledon Common Half Marathon donning white from head to toe.

Not for leisure — although those who know me know that I do like a good race — but to raise awareness and support the incredible work of the White Helmets.

The White Helmets, also known as the Syrian Civil Defense, are a group of volunteer emergency workers who rush to the scene of air strikes to rescue civilians trapped in the rubble when bombs hit rebel-held areas.

They are credited with saving more than 60,000 lives since they formed in early 2013. 

Their message is simple and non-partisan: Stop the bombs, and protect the innocents. Because every life is worth saving.

On Sept.25th, the White Helmets themselves became targets of these bombings. In one of the heaviest attacks in months, three out of the group's four operational centers were damaged, and many of their vehicles destroyed overnight.

The bombs also hit vital civilian infrastructures, including a water pump station, leaving nearly two millions Syrians without running water in Aleppo according to the UN.

The White Helmets need help, support and resources.

Please join me in supporting their efforts. Every donations counts. All proceedings from this fundraiser will go towards supporting the White Helmets' work on the ground.

With 1,000 GBP, volunteers will be able to purchase either:

  • 277 safety googles
  • 27 elbow and knee protectors
  • 14 first aid kits
  • 12 gas masks

  • 14 fire extinguishers
  • 9 helmets
  • 6 rescue ropes

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Nahema Marchal posted a new update:
almost 8 years ago

Update #3


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Nahema Marchal posted a new update:
almost 8 years ago

Update #2


Only less than two weeks to go before I hit the ground running (literally) for the Nobel Peace prize-nominated White Helmets!

If you still lament the situation in Syria and deplore the innocent lives wretched by the horrors of war; please join me in my efforts to support this organization.

Make a donation TODAY and share widely within your network, if you haven't already.

We're almost there!

Thanks to everyone who has already donated.


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Nahema Marchal posted a new update:
almost 8 years ago

Update #1

A few hours in, and we've already reached 10% of our goal!

Thank you to all those who already donated and let's keep the momentum going.

With love,

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