Whom Does Cialis Suit Best?

Whom Does Cialis Suit Best?

From Brooke Ferandell

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The modern range of drugs designed to combat erectile dysfunction seems more than impressive. Just look at the shelves of a regular pharmacy or the column “drugs to increase potency” or “drugs for sexual health” in an online pharmacy, and you will see many dozens of items. However, upon closer inspection, it turns out that there are only three main drugs: these are generic Cialis, Viagra and Levitra, and all the other numerous pills, powders and chewable tablets are just their generics, that is, analogues that are identical to the prototype drugs in their composition and principle of action. In fact, only the “decorative” functions of generics differ, that is, the form of release, the color and shape of the tablets, packaging and name, but the essence remains the same. Thus, you should not be afraid of a wide variety, in principle, you have a choice between only three drugs.

However, although three is a very small number, many men are wondering which medicine is best to choose to quickly and reliably get rid of such an unpleasant condition as reduced potency. In recent years, most men experiencing symptoms of erectile dysfunction have been choosing Cialis for its milder action and less pronounced side effects compared to the other two drugs of “Big Three”. Nevertheless, when choosing a medicine, one should not be guided by the experience of the majority, but by the characteristics of his own body. Therefore, most likely, you will find the information on the issue of whom Cialis suits best, and for whom other medications would be a better choice, useful.

Cialis is the best remedy for improving potency in men who have developed erectile dysfunction because of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This medicine is the only one of all PDE-5 inhibitors that can be used for treating BPH, and, thus, eliminating the source of the problem. To find out more about exactly which scheme of treatment with Cialis should be used for BPH, read the article of doctor X on the site Y, which provides comprehensive information on this issue. Most likely, after reading this work, you will not have any misunderstandings about the nuances of using Cialis for the treatment of prostate adenoma and the associated erectile dysfunction.

However, the use of Cialis is by no means limited to BPH. This medicine is excellent for those men who only recently noticed the first signs of ED development, that is, periodic difficulties in achieving or maintaining an erection. If your ED is severe, Viagra or Levitra would be more suitable.

Also, Cialis is the choice of those men who don’t want to take pills immediately before sex, and are determined to be able to have sex at any time of the day. This medicine makes this possible thanks to the daily use option, thanks to which approximately the same level of Tadalafil is maintained in the blood throughout the day.

In addition to the facts mentioned above, Cialis is suitable for those patients who poorly tolerate other PDE-5 inhibitors and, in principle, tend to experience very pronounced side effects from various other drugs.

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