Write A House - The Blossom House

Write A House - The Blossom House

From Write A House A Detroit Nonprofit

Detroit-based literary organization seeks to use vocational training to renovate this vacant home and then award it to a writer.

Write A House A Detroit Nonprofit

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Update #2

over 9 years ago

Thank you to everyone that made the giving campaign for the second house successful. The renovations are now complete and we will award this home at an event on Friday in Detroit. Please join us.


We've purchased a third home and have started that fundraising process here: https://fundly.com/write-a-house-the-apple-house

This house will begin renovations next week and will be completed by the end of 2015.

More Info

The Blossom House:

Following the successful renovation of the Peach House in 2014, Write A House began renovations of our second home, the Blossom House, in early 2015. This home is just one block away from the Peach House in the No Ham/Banglatown neighborhood of Detroit. It will be completed in August 2015. 

The house is located on a short street just north of Hamtramck, down the street from the Powerhouse Project and near the Public Pool and Popps Packing galleries. We are putting in a hot water heater, replastering the walls, fixing the windows, repairing insulation, installing a kitchen (stove, fridge, cabinets) and painting the rooms.

The work on this house is being done in conjunction with a local vocational training program run by DWEJ that provides opportunities to the under-employed. An apprentice is working alongside a licensed contractor to repair and restore the home, gaining lifetime skills that will make for a stronger Detroit.

Learn more about Write A House here. 

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Write A House A Detroit Nonprofit posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #2

Thank you to everyone that made the giving campaign for the second house successful. The renovations are now complete and we will award this home at an event on Friday in Detroit. Please join us.


We've purchased a third home and have started that fundraising process here: https://fundly.com/write-a-house-the-apple-house

This house will begin renovations next week and will be completed by the end of 2015.

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Write A House A Detroit Nonprofit posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #1

Hello friend of Write A House,

Okay! Here's where we are at. We are working on finishing up the second house, our judges our reading submissions for our second author, and we have secured a third home we will start renovating before the end of the year.

Three is a magic number.

It's always the third person who says "I'm in" who starts the road trip. It's always the third person who says "Let's do it" who starts the revolution. It's always the third person who says "I've got three bucks" who makes that late night pizza you maybe shouldn't even eat (but it's soooo good) possible.

This third house is going to make for a great home, it's in the same neighborhood - sometimes called NoHam cause it's north of Hamtramck, sometimes call SODA cause it's south of the Davidson Freeway, sometimes called Banglatown because it is home to a strong Bangladeshi community. It is a great neighborhood, home to our lots of good folk.

We are hoping that we can get donations (from you!) to help with the renovation of this home. We're a 501(c)3, so it's tax deducatable. We can send you a tee shirt or a book back or some pencils or a very eloquent thank you note, whatever your heart desires! But please give and spread the word.

You will be supporting the arts (clearly) and Detroit (maybe that speaks to some of you, okay) and vocational training (who doesn't love that!)

And if you're curious what it's like to pack up your life and your cat and move to Detroit, read our first writer Casey Rocheteau's blog on our website. Very moving, eloquent, funny, insightful stuff. Just what you'd expect from someone whose writing is so good we gave 'em a house.

Please support us. We will be in touch to tell you more as things unfold over the next few months. Like the purchase maybe of our fourth house (hallelujah! maybe!)

Thanks for everything. Every dollar counts, though a hundred dollars counts a lot more than one dollar, and so on.


Toby Barlow

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