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From Jordan Soliday

I'm taking up the pen because it's always been the vehicle used to change the world. The books LETTER and TITLED are forwarding the grander movement unrecognized that needs to be revealed. This is the Year of the Pen.

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Update #11

almost 8 years ago

Hey guys!

So my book website is dropping soooon!

I'm excited to share that all future writing updates will be coming from that website address: (If you would like to opt out from future updates, you can just click 'Unsubscribe' when the first newsletter from my new website is sent out.) The website will also double as a blog.

Also—pretty important—I am seven chapters into TITLED. This has been a process; I've learned writing a book takes time, much working and reworking, much reflection. As I continue to progress, you will be updated, and ultimately hold the book in your hands upon completion (same with LETTER). All Giving Levels will be fulfilled despite this project taking longer than originally anticipated.Thanks as always for your support!

Next time we chat, it'll be via my new site. Until then!

More Info

There comes a time in life to wield a pen in such broad stroke that the world can make no mistake that change has come. I declare to you, That time is now. Your story is now.

And I dare say this is your story to tell, for you have long ago voiced it. You have shared it with family and friends. Colleagues and strangers. But first, it was your heart that shared it with you: "More. Somehow. There must be more." Though we live in the land of the free, so many of us feel as though we're bound in chains. To work. To debts. To vices. To loneliness. To monotony. We think of the more we ache for, and glimpse moments of it. We cry out for it with our modern pens. Yes—Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and the like tell many of these truths, yet they are not enough. More is needed to bring on this grander movement. 

The Grander Movement. 

And the movement begins with us. It begins in us, and is ultimately for us.

In LETTER, there are walls that exist.  Between the church and the world and many people—these walls tower high.  In the church, there are countless denominations, interpretations, and debates.  Many men and women often stand their ground on their respective sides of the wall when talking to another of differing beliefs—careful not to be influenced or challenged.  And outside of the church's own set of walls are the most paramount walls the Earth has ever known—those separating the church from the rest of the world.  Gen Xers and Millenials especially are sensing the presence of those walls.  And many of these people are in some way dissatisfied or disillusioned with the church.  Within the hearts of these many, there is a movement stirring that needs to be revealed.  It is the longing toward what should be, yet it comes with an unavoidable reality.

The church is not what it needs to be.  It is written that it is to be the embodiment of Jesus Christ, but it has become the embodiment of itself.  Now there are many beautiful people doing the sincerest things, but as a whole, the church has become more about maintaining church culture than trailblazing to the places it must go, to do the things it must do.  And so it has become the very thing it was warned not to become:  self-reliant.  Church is a place where people are meeting, and is not the people themselves.

If church is but a service that runs an hour long and then ends—let it be known:  There is no church!  For church is never left—it is wherever the believers are, it is whoever the believers are.  The time has come to say it:  "I am Church.  We are Church."  Many ages ago, men and women understood this.  They lived it, day in and day out.  They knew it was the only way.

I believe in a church that meets and asks tough questions, unafraid to face the unscripted.

I believe in a church that is willing to speak to and learn from anyone, without sizing them up.

I believe in a church that takes its sermons and songs and dances into the streets with flash mobs, marches, and authentic conversation.

I believe in a church that doesn't just have a screen presence, but the most relatable and enrapturing cinematography ever presented.

I believe in a church that doesn't settle in as one of the world religions, rather it only accepts itself as the answer and always upholds that standard.

I believe in a church that knows it can be the very desire of the world, because it knows the Desire of the World.

Yes, like Mali Music, I believe.

Today, the mention of something like this is chalked up as "idealistic."  But there is nothing written in Scripture that calls the church to less.  In fact, it is called to this end alone:  To be greater and greater still.

There are men and women around the world who believe this can actually happen.  Do you?

Understand that LETTER is not suggesting a new church.  LETTER is not suggesting a new denomination.  Nor is LETTER suggesting that all churches become one and accept various different beliefs.  

But in a way that is different than all of these—and in a way that was long ago spoken of—LETTER will show the church what is next and how the church is going to get there, while evaluating how it's gotten to where it is now.  It will also unpack and document the underlying movement called "Convenient Truth" that is influencing the entire world.  LETTER will also convey how to rightly break down the walls within the church, and consequently the walls between the church and the world.  And finally, LETTER will point the church to a height it has never before reached.

This is the movement unrecognized that needs to be revealed.  While LETTER is but a book, and in itself nothing, it has a mighty purpose.  Its time is now.  And that our time is now has been affirmed to me in an absolutely mind-blowing way that you'll definitely want to read about in the book itself.  I have no doubt that once you read LETTER, you'll see very clearly how this book is going to change our world.  For this message is not my own.

It tells your story.

TITLED is written in first-person and begins with the dream of a young man. In it he is facing his darkest night. Clouds are billowing overhead, winds are chasing across the rugged terrain, and no moonlight is peering down to guide his way. He is running fast and ducking behind sheds and sneaking around warehouses—terrified at those who are after him. Over his shoulder is a sack, weighed down by a foreign object. The young man doesn't know what's inside the sack, but once he pulls open the sack to view its entails, he awakens from the dream.

Now he knows this dream was different: The object he pulls from the sack, other bewildering things that unfold in the dream (which are not told here), and the dream's otherworldliness all compel him to journey after its meaning.

This young man was raised in the church, but is now dissatisfied with it and religion in general. Yet he is intrigued by the meaning of life and doesn't mind an intellectual conversation. At times, something deep inside him nearly commands that there is more he is called to. That there is more for all of us. But as soon as he perceives such notions, and feels such feelings, he often doubts them.

I'm using the general term "young man" to describe our main character because—as you will see—he is ashamed of his name. As a reader, learning his name will be one of the many prizes you'll unravel later in TITLED.

Our young man lives in the Great City. You will learn this city is not a city alone, but symbolic of an entire nation—and everything and everyone that nation influences. The Great City is positioned in the middle of a continent alongside a vast mountain that has dried up. Trees are mostly cut down, houses and businesses have been built up. By the kicking of dust and the sweat of brows do men and women work and play. There has been an ongoing drought for many years in the Great City. For hundreds of miles, the Great City stretches across one side of the mountain. (Now this mountain has an ancient name that I cannot tell you about yet.)

At the top of the mountain are the Steeples (they symbolize the church). For every inch the Great City covers alongside the ancient mountain, the Steeples cover along the top of that mountain.

And ultimately, there is a legend that the people of the Great City know of. It is the legend of the TITLED one—who was once called the defender of the Great City, but has long since vanished.

This is but a taste of the backstory of TITLED. To read more, I need your help.


I am an author. You should know that before I started writing LETTER and TITLED, I embraced writing simply as an escape. Writing came to me as my catharsis about seven years ago at the University of Pittsburgh. I needed it, because depression had found me. A few months after I became depressed, I dropped out of Pitt. I later attended Andrews University and only but a year ago did I understand the fullness of true peace. After graduating from AU, I found work in the oil and gas industry, but I was not fulfilled. Yet the desire toward fulfillment grew within me. The next nine months would set off a period an equivalent to a child being formed in the womb—and in this case, I was having twins (LETTER and TITLED).


Your investment will support:

  • Hiring a part-time digital content expert
  • Hiring an editor
  • Printing the books
  • Shipping
  • Speaking engagements

What's also exciting is that you'll get to be a part of the journey of a first time author!


I have full confidence that these books will be published, but there are a few challenges to note:

1. Publishing – Getting the books published quickly is feasible considering there are many possibilities through self-publishing. I will likely utilize Amazon's services through CreateSpace (further publishing on a larger scale will come later). Both LETTER and TITLED will be published by industry standard.

2. Printing – The number of books being printed and shipped for those receiving at the Giving Levels will not create significant issues. Printing costs are budgeted in per Giving Level.  

3. Shipping – Shipping is often expensive and a bit of an unknown. I believe working with Amazon and their third party fulfillment services will be helpful. If there are delays in shipping I will keep everyone posted and share the e-book quickly with those receiving such perks at the Giving Levels.

I’m extremely committed to making LETTER and TITLED a reality and I am happy to have your support. Don’t worry, I will keep you updated all the way.

To easily post official Year of the Pen photos and videos to your social media accounts, follow this link to help spread the word about the campaign!  You can also view official Year of the Pen videos at the Year of the Pen YouTube channel.  If you have any questions or comments, feel free to e-mail [email protected].


I am not promoting this campaign alone. I have a Team of over 30 dedicated individuals who believe in the vision of the Year of the Pen.

These 5 have been paramount in making this campaign a reality:

Dr. Monica Reed, Founding Advisor – CEO at Florida Hospital Celebration Health

David DeJesus, Founding Advisor – Founder and President at Nexfaktor

Kasper Haughton Jr., Videographer — Technical Director and Pastor for Youth at Kettering Seventh-day Adventist Church

Breana Soliday Haughton, Photographer — Recruiter and Communication Specialist at Kettering College

Megan Reed, Marketing Consultant – Assistant Brand Manager at Ferrero for Nutella

Are you ready to be a part of the Team?

* In the first video I mention these books are authored by you. It is important for you to know that I am writing LETTER and TITLED and providing all the content.  However, in a way that is extremely unique that I can't yet unveil, these books are being metaphorically "authored" by you—which you will understand once you've read them through.

* Giving Level perks will begin delivering upon completion of TITLED, with all perks delivering upon completion of LETTER. I'll be sure to keep you updated all the way as I write the books!

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Jordan Soliday posted a new update:
almost 8 years ago

Update #12

Hey guys!

So my book website is dropping soooon!

I'm excited to share that all future writing updates will be coming from that website address: (If you would like to opt out from future updates, you can just click 'Unsubscribe' when the first newsletter from my new website is sent out.) The website will also double as a blog.

Also—pretty important—I am seven chapters into TITLED. This has been a process; I've learned writing a book takes time, much working and reworking, much reflection. As I continue to progress, you will be updated, and ultimately hold the book in your hands upon completion (same with LETTER). All Giving Levels will be fulfilled despite this project taking longer than originally anticipated.Thanks as always for your support!

Next time we chat, it'll be via my new site. Until then!

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Jordan Soliday posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #11

An important update for you:

I'm at the point now where I can move forward with my prospectus (book proposal) opportunity with HarperCollins. By the end of June/early July, I will be sending it in along with the first several chapters of the book, TITLED.

I plan to be leaking some material to you all soon as well ;)

Thanks for the support as always!

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Jordan Soliday posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #10

It's been a minute!

But here I am. Since we've last spoken, I've become wonderfully wrapped up in the book TITLED. I'm disappearing into my own little world of writing, and that's good for all of us—for a book is well on the way.

There's one scene where our main character—meandering through his daily activities—slows to find himself in front of a mirror.

He reflects: "There is nothing more terrifying than looking directly into the face of one's own soul. It is not simply to see the heart, the body, nor the might of one man—but all. It is to step outside of time and yet, right into this exact moment—into what one has been and is, and is not and never will be. It is all encompassing, yet simply, 'I.'
It is also the most courageous thing. The terror and hope that in, or past this soul, there is something.
Something worth facing."

Take a look into the mirror today. May you experience the wonder that you are.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and remain my supporter!

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Jordan Soliday posted a new update:
almost 9 years ago

Update #9

As we are about to dawn into the new year, I wanted to let you all know that the first book, TITLED, is progressing well! I'm very excited about the content I have, and I'm looking forward to sharing specific examples with you all soon.

I've even been recommended to submit a Prospectus to the Acquisition Editor at HarperCollins! So I'm working on that as well.

And beyond the writing, each one of you—via your support and donations through the Year of the Pen campaign—have helped me launch my career in a direction I didn't think would be managed so quickly: I'm now a Teacher/Counselor at a private high school academy in Pittsburgh, PA.

Just a total influx of blessings—one after the other! Truly, I have you all to thank. My supporters. My donors.

Thank you, and Happy New Year to you all.



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Jordan Soliday posted a new update:
about 9 years ago

Update #8

The campaign is now about to officially close! Thank you to everyone who has helped make my dream to write these two books a reality!

Even though this campaign is ending, this journey is just beginning. Each month during the Year of the Pen, you'll receive updates regarding my progress.

For all of your prayers, encouragement, for spreading the word, and for donating—to you all I say: THANK YOU!

May you be blessed continually.

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Jordan Soliday posted a new update:
about 9 years ago

Update #7

I am… I am so deeply moved as I write this.

The Year of the Pen campaign is about to close, tomorrow at sunset. For 40 days it will have been up. This is extremely purposeful—for as I mentioned in my first post, I am of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs. Out of the power of the Sabbath, I launched this campaign (at the beginning of a Sunday). After 40 days, I am now closing it into the Sabbath’s rest (on a Friday evening).

During these 40 days, I have raised nearly $7,500. Much of that has come from people I’ve never even spoken to; much of that has come in amounts much larger than I could’ve anticipated.

But this campaign wasn’t just about raising funds—no, no. Not even close. I am telling you, my mind is blown as I sit back and reflect.

Over the past 40 days, I’ve made 25 new contacts. In one instance, one person got me in touch with another person who got me in touch with the Senior VP at Zondervan. Zondervan is a publisher under HarperCollins. Just so you know, it is a goal of mine to be published through HarperCollins.

I have an interview setup with the CCO and Co-founder of Super Evil Megacorp. He is the creator of the revolutionary mobile video game, Vainglory. It is my desperate desire to write to and learn from people the church might not normally write to/learn from. In these 40 days, this opportunity came up.

I also, via a connection, now have the potential opportunity to work at a prestigious, faith-based high school academy in Pittsburgh, PA.

One could chalk these things up and say, “This is what happens to someone who works hard and follows his/her dreams.” But I know this is the handiwork of God, because He is the one who called me to go.

One night, two years ago, I laid in my bed and had a dream. In my dream, I was in a luminous aura—a place better described as a presence. That presence was the Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. I was asked, “Do you want this?” And as I was answering, “Yes”—while still remaining asleep—something happened outside of my dream. I could hear the swooping and sudden rushing of a wind. It swept through the door in my bedroom, around my bed, up over the bed and then blasted me in the chest and threw me back in my bed. I was immediately soaked from head to toe in sweat—terrified. I could not speak. But after a good 20 minutes, I got up. I remembered the words He asked me in the dream, “Do you want this?” I remembered Who the mighty, rushing wind in the Scriptures is: the Spirit.

Six months ago, I had another dream. In it, I got up from my seat to walk to the front of a crowd. One person cried out to me as I was walking: “Tell them who you are.” Once I reached the front of the crowd, that person said it again, “Tell them who you are!” At that point, I was slowly pulled from the dream. I’m telling you this because you are the crowd—any of you who are reading. In the dream there was no speaker intended to speak to the crowd, only a crowd that was sitting. Waiting. Within me, I knew I had to be the one to stand up. Now, within me, as I’m writing this post, I have finally garnered the courage to write you this post. For I know He has called me to stand up. To speak, and not be quiet.

God has something for me to say, because He is the one with something to say. But you must understand that this message He has to share is something I have learned up out of Scripture, and not by dreams. I have had many other dreams and occurrences—and they verify that this is indeed something He has to say. These dreams verify a message He has brought to me up out of Scripture—and not the other way around.

Tomorrow, at sunset, the Year of the Pen campaign ends. But it is only the beginning of the actual Year of the Pen, out of which the two books LETTER and TITLED will go forward. In them, is the message. And forward unto the whole world this message will go. For it is His.

“The TITLED one has something to say. A LETTER is to go forth to the church. Is she listening?”

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Jordan Soliday posted a new update:
about 9 years ago

Update #6

Just 7 days are left in the Year of the Pen campaign! Check out the site! Tell a friend! Donate today. And be a part of something bigger than yourself—yet entirely special because of you.

The time is now for the #Yearofthepen

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Jordan Soliday posted a new update:
about 9 years ago

Update #5

We have now reached more than 25% of our goal at! Thanks to all of you who are supporting, donating, and interacting with @yearofthepen on social media platforms! 3 weeks left... we can reach this goal!

Take your seat and join the #yearofthepen campaign today!

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Jordan Soliday posted a new update:
about 9 years ago

Update #4

Major update made to the campaign story at!
We're now officially 10 days into the campaign and have reached 15% of our goal!

Thank you all for your wonderful support! Join the campaign today! Just $10 makes a difference, and it gets you the LETTER e-book too! #yearofthepen

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Jordan Soliday posted a new update:
about 9 years ago

Update #3

Ever received a letter or an e-mail that changed your day—even your life? Perhaps it opened your eyes to view things differently. There is such a LETTER being written that can change your day, even your life, even our world. Take a minute and read through the following post. I guarantee it will spark at least one thought or question. Feel free to message me on Facebook or at [email protected]:

There are walls that exist. Between the church and the world and many people—these walls tower high. In the church, there are countless denominations, interpretations, and debates. Many men and women often stand their ground on their respective sides of the wall when talking to another of differing beliefs—careful not to be influenced or challenged. And outside of the church's own set of walls are the most paramount walls the Earth has ever known—those separating the church from the rest of the world. Gen Xers and Millenials especially are sensing the presence of those walls. And many of these people are in some way dissatisfied or disillusioned with the church. Within the hearts of these many, there is a movement stirring that needs to be revealed. It is the longing toward what should be, yet it comes with an unavoidable reality.

The church is not what it needs to be. It is written that it is to be the embodiment of Jesus Christ, but it has become the embodiment of itself. Now there are many beautiful people doing the sincerest things, but as a whole, the church has become more about maintaining church culture than trailblazing to the places it must go, to do the things it must do. And so it has become the very thing it was warned not to become: self-reliant. Church is a place where people are meeting, and is not the people themselves.

If church is but a service that runs an hour long and then ends—let it be known: There is no church! For church is never left—it is wherever the believers are, it is whoever the believers are. The time has come to say it: "I am Church. We are Church." Many ages ago, men and women understood this. They lived it, day in and day out. They knew it was the only way.

I believe in a church that meets and asks tough questions, unafraid to face the unscripted.
I believe in a church that is willing to speak to and learn from anyone, without sizing them up.
I believe in a church that takes its sermons and songs and dances into the streets with flash mobs, marches, and authentic conversation.
I believe in a church that doesn't just have a screen presence, but the most relatable and enrapturing cinematography ever presented.
I believe in a church that doesn't settle in as one of the world religions, rather it only accepts itself as the answer and always upholds that standard.
I believe in a church that knows it can be the very desire of the world, because it knows the Desire of the World.
Yes, like Mali Music, I believe.

Today, the mention of something like this is chalked up as "idealistic." But there is nothing written in Scripture that calls the church to less. In fact, it is called to this end alone: To be greater and greater still.

There are men and women around the world who believe this can actually happen. Do you?

Understand that LETTER is not suggesting a new church. LETTER is not suggesting a new denomination. Nor is LETTER suggesting that all churches become one and accept various different beliefs.

But in a way that is different than all of these—and in a way that was long ago spoken of—LETTER will show the church what is next and how the church is going to get there, while evaluating how it's gotten to where it is now. It will also unpack and document the underlying movement called "Convenient Truth" that is influencing the entire world. LETTER will also convey how to rightly break down the walls within the church, and consequently the walls between the church and the world. And finally, LETTER will point the church to a height it has never before reached.

This is the movement unrecognized that needs to be revealed. This is the movement I am speaking of in the Year of the Pen mission statement. While LETTER is but a book, and in itself nothing, it has a mighty purpose. Its time is now. And that our time is now has been affirmed to me in an absolutely mind-blowing way that you'll definitely want to read about in the book itself. I have no doubt that once you read LETTER, you'll see very clearly how this book is going to change our world. For this message is not my own.

It tells your story.

Join the movement and get the book today at #yearofthepen

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Jordan Soliday posted a new update:
about 9 years ago

Update #2

I am thankful to all of you who have been sharing and helping promote the Year of the Pen campaign! I want to begin sharing with you content that is going to be influencing the books LETTER and TITLED:
You should know I am of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs. Many of you are of various different beliefs. Yet as it is laid out in the Year of the Pen campaign story, the overarching body of Christianity influences us all. There is a serious disparity between the church and the world, and many people—including many who consider themselves believing in God—are in some way dissatisfied with the church.
What if I told you that it was long ago spoken that it would be this way? And what if I told you that where it was said that the church would find itself in this state, that in the same breath it was declared that something incredibly powerful would be on the brink of bursting forth?
What if I told you that some of the craziest things have happened in my life to assure us all that the time spoken of is Now—would you weigh it? Would you consider it?
I believe and consider that you must.
More to come in next post. | #yearofthepen

Monica And Stanton Reed commented on a blog post:
about 9 years ago
Consider it, yes! We all have some of the craziest stories that have brought the most profound meaning that in some way unify us all.

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