
From Ashlee Browning

I've been blessed with the opportunity to go on a missions trip to the Dominican Republic. I will be volunteering with Ambassadors in Mission [AIM] to change lives and reach individuals with the gospel!

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Ashlee Browning posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #1

Hey guys!

This Sumter [ June 12th - 19th ] I will be traveling to the Dominican Republic, not for vacation, but to work and help minister to the people of he Dominican Republic. It s such a blessing to have the opportunity to travel to a place I've never been and meet new individuals. I am going on this trip in hopes of it being edifying and life changing, not only for the people will be ministering to, but for myself as well. I plan to see God move in ways I've never experienced and to love deeper than I could ever imagine.

I'm asking that you support me as I go on this trip in whatever way seems suitable to you! One way you can support me is through prayer! I ask that you pray that we will be prepared, that God will use us in unimaginable ways. I ask that you also pray for the people we will be ministering to, pray that their hearts would be softened and that they would be ready for God to move in them, in their community, and in their country.

Another what you can support me is financially! Thanks to Fundly you can now donate to my missions funds online! IF you prefer not to donate online, mailing a check payable to Sumter First Assembly would be just as wonderful!

You can contact me at [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions!

Thank you so much for your support, it's greatly appreciated.

With Love,
Ashlee Browning

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