Rockwood Citizens for Eileen Tyrrell

Rockwood Citizens for Eileen Tyrrell

From Eileen Tyrrell

Help me get elected to the Rockwood School Board this coming April 2014 to assure that all transactions of the district are ethical, open and aboveboard.

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Diana Walsh commented with a $50 donation:
almost 11 years ago
I'm disappointed with the results but want you to know I support your efforts-thank you for trying!
Anonymous commented:
almost 11 years ago
Terry Crow 1713 Big Horn Basin Dr
Anonymous commented:
almost 11 years ago
I would like to have a sign for my front yard. One of Darby's would be welcome as well. 1713 Big Horn Basin Dr. Thanks and good luck.
William T Hennessy commented with a $30 donation:
almost 11 years ago
Thank you, Eileen
Sandy Ghormley commented with a $25 donation:
almost 11 years ago
Do you still want me to have a coffee for you?
Nancy Robinson commented with a $50 donation:
almost 11 years ago
I sure think you are the perfect person to represent our community!!
Cindy Hofstetter commented:
about 11 years ago
You can count on our support Eileen because we believe that you will serve the interests of students, parents and teachers!
J. Marshall Saye commented with a $25 donation:
about 11 years ago
Good luck. I'll consider other types of support later
Dan Rohr commented with a $30 donation:
about 11 years ago
Good luck on this trek.
Eileen Tyrrell commented:
about 11 years ago
If you prefer to send a check, via mail, sent it to: Citizens for Eileen Tyrrell PO Box 84 Eureka MO 63025
Eileen Tyrrell commented:
about 11 years ago
Thank you to everyone who is financially supporting my campaign! I am going to serve "all the citizens" of the Rockwood community.
Michele Reed commented with a $50 donation:
about 11 years ago
Good luck Eileen
Laura Davis commented with a $50 donation:
about 11 years ago
You will be a valuble addition!
Linda Pipes commented with a $50 donation:
about 11 years ago
100% Behind You, Eileen.
Eileen Tyrrell commented:
about 11 years ago
Thank you!!
Robert L Bulthaus commented with a $30 donation:
about 11 years ago
Good luck!
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