FORE the KIDS (Adam Wason & Andrew Lovell)

FORE the KIDS (Adam Wason & Andrew Lovell)

Fundraising for:
Club Heroes Golf Marathon

From FORE the KIDS (Adam Wason & Andrew Lovell)

We are serving as Club Heroes for the Ellettsville Boys & Girls Club!

Boys & Girls Clubs of Bloomington

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Jason Storm commented with a $25 donation:
over 4 years ago
Love me some B&G Club!!!
Don Galligher commented with a $50 donation:
over 4 years ago
Great job Lovell!
Susanne Mayer commented with a $54 donation:
over 4 years ago
Sam Wason commented with a $25 donation:
over 4 years ago
Good luck, Son & Andrew!
Bryan Humphrey commented with a $108 donation:
over 4 years ago
Hit 'em straight and have fun!
Mark Kruzan commented with a $109 donation:
over 4 years ago
I know your ball will socially distance from every hole!
Judd Maxwell commented with a $50 donation:
over 4 years ago
Stay hydrated!
Devta Kidd commented with a $50 donation:
over 4 years ago
I don’t know anything about golf but I’m pretty sure you are supposed to hit the ball really hard, so, do that!
Joseph R OBrien commented with a $108 donation:
over 4 years ago
Make your putts!