Dancember 2014 Fight Against Sex Slavery

Dancember 2014 Fight Against Sex Slavery

From Benji Judy

We are raising awareness and helping to fundraise money for victims of the horrible reality that many women go through in the life of "Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery".

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Anonymous commented with a support:
over 6 years ago
Terry Mckinney commented:
almost 8 years ago
why is it giving me Dancember 2014 and not 2016...ughhhhhh I tweeted this
Kristi Wakefield commented:
over 8 years ago
i will donet 200 Dollers for your club ok
Allison Mona commented:
over 8 years ago
im so happy for u guys i've watch you for 6years and you've come so far and i cant wait for friday and just see everyone dancing
Anaya Kalbuadi commented with a support:
almost 9 years ago
i'm really proud that my favorite youtubers is donating money to fight against sex slavery. Truly inspiration. Donate now!
Jason LaToya commented:
over 9 years ago
Please visit our profile to read about our story. Your time and donation is greatly appreciated!
Melanie Sangria commented with a $10 donation:
over 9 years ago
Hope this helps.
Nikki Czarnecki commented with a $10 donation:
over 9 years ago
I hope my small donation helps. ??
Anna Helminska commented with a $20 donation:
over 9 years ago
I love itsthejudylife:)
Monique Tran commented with a $20 donation:
over 9 years ago
Great job Benji and Judy!!! You guys are truly inspirational!
Kanompung FuFu commented with a $10 donation:
over 9 years ago
Feel so blessed to do good things at the end of the year:)
Nairi Tchorbadjian commented with a $12 donation:
over 9 years ago
with love from Melbourne, Australia. Merry Christmas Nora
Deleted User commented:
over 9 years ago
Hi guys I'm glad you reached your goal. My name is Travis, I am a 27 year old veteran and I need help fundraising.
Karen Toriz commented with a $20 donation:
over 9 years ago
Thank you Judy and Benji for doing a good cause every year. This year's fundraiser is close to my ?, since I want to join law enforcement.
Marianne Meneses commented with a $20 donation:
over 9 years ago
Thank you, Judy & Benji, for spreading awareness and for allowing us to have such a campaign accessible to us.
Achayen Ajah commented with a $100 donation:
over 9 years ago
I want to help others and I have seem documentaries about how horrible human trafficking can be and I want to do my part to help.
Mark Patterson commented with a $10 donation:
over 9 years ago
This is one of my girlfriend's Christmas gift's she is a huge fan.
Anonymous commented with a support:
over 9 years ago
I love what you guys are doing!! Human Trafficking is very close to my heart! I helped launch an Awareness Non-profit in Kentucky years back
Ella Smith commented with a $20 donation:
over 9 years ago
Go Team - Amazing year. First time I've donated!
Brieanna Frere commented with a $100 donation:
over 9 years ago
God Bless!

/ #dancember