Every Step of the Way

Every Step of the Way

From Jeremy VanEgmond

The hope is to raise money for three families whose mothers currently have cancer. Let's show them we are with them "Every Step of the Way"!

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Krissie Drew Womble commented with a $100 donation:
almost 4 years ago
What an inspiration you guys are! Thank you for helping to make the world a better place! ♥️♥️
Laura Trotman commented with a $50 donation:
almost 4 years ago
Prayers for these 3 families!
Drew Teel commented with a $25 donation:
almost 4 years ago
War Eagle brother
Heidi Mense commented with a $109 donation:
almost 4 years ago
No hesitation here. We can't think of a better cause for some of those we hold dearest in our community!
Stephanie MacDonald commented with a $100 donation:
almost 4 years ago
Praying for these families!
Jennifer Friday commented with a $65 donation:
almost 4 years ago
Hope they have a wonderful time making memories!
Lynn Stephenson Swink commented with a $75 donation:
almost 4 years ago
Such a sweet fundraiser! I hope these families make the best memories on their vacations and know a village back home is praying for them.
Anonymous commented with a $100 donation:
almost 4 years ago
Proud to have great neighbors like Jeremy And Wyatt. Love thy neighbor shines through them.