Lake Forest Academy Alumni eXtreme Participation Challenge

Lake Forest Academy Alumni eXtreme Participation Challenge

From Jeremiah Stevens

Every Gift Counts, No Matter the Size in the Alumni eXtreme Participation Challenge 2013. Make your gift to support all LFA does.

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Jeremiah Stevens posted a new update:
over 11 years ago

12 Days Left in Alumni eXtreme Participation Challenge 2013

We still need more than 100 gifts for the Challenge in order to receive the $100,000 match. Gifts of all sizes count. Make yours today!

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Jeremiah Stevens posted a new update:
over 11 years ago

eXtreme Success Means New $$ Goal

Due to the eXtreme generosity of a few alumni, we have surpassed our original $ goal. But, since our challenge goal is participation, we still need your support to get the $100k. Check it out:

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Jeremiah Stevens posted a new update:
over 11 years ago

Alumni eXtreme Challenge Site Makeover Edition

The folks at #Fundly gave our campaign site a total makeover. Check it out and support LFA:

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David Haqq commented with a support:
almost 11 years ago
Great school spirit!
Michael D Reeves commented with a $150 donation:
about 11 years ago
Class of 1980
John Colling commented with a $100 donation:
over 11 years ago
Was great to attend the Dallas reception.
Anonymous commented with a $20 donation:
over 11 years ago
Go Caxys!!!
Sandesh Mouli commented with a $25 donation:
over 11 years ago
A Proud Caxy!
Michael Mullarkey commented with a support:
over 11 years ago
Good Luck
Jeremiah Stevens commented with a $10 donation:
over 11 years ago
Innovation Matters!