Felix Festa Middle School Hat Day For Cancer

Felix Festa Middle School Hat Day For Cancer

From Heavenly Hats

The Felix Festa Middle School Youth Against Cancer Club is holding a Hat Day event to benefit The Heavenly Hats Foundation which is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization.

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Eldho Alias commented with a $15 donation:
over 1 year ago
Ethan Eldho , Grade 6
Deborah Clemente commented with a $25 donation:
over 1 year ago
Thank you for organizing this
Bini Family commented with a $33 donation:
over 1 year ago
Thank you for helping to make a difference FFMS! I’m
Anonymous commented with a $30 donation:
over 1 year ago
Thank you for helping Cancer patient
Diane Gronowski commented with a $10 donation:
almost 2 years ago
This is for my Pop Pop and Poppy. We miss you!