Help Welcome FNU Mohammad's Family to America

Help Welcome FNU Mohammad's Family to America

From Adrian Kinsella

We did it! The family is here! Please help us welcome them to America and raise funds for room and board.

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Adrian Kinsella posted a new update:
almost 10 years ago

Update #5

What your generous support has provided for so far:
* A used car Mohammad uses to drive back and forth to work,
* Plane tickets to America for the entire family of eight,
* Three months of rent,
* Household supplies for the family, helping turn their apartment into a home.

Thank you!

Monica Smith commented on a blog post:
almost 10 years ago
So nice to see and hear about our donations in action! What a smile!!! He is adorable. :)

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Adrian Kinsella posted a new update:
almost 10 years ago

Update #3

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Adrian Kinsella posted a new update:
almost 10 years ago

Did you catch Yoda on John Oliver's Last Week Tonight?

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Adrian Kinsella posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

On to phase 2 of the attack...

We did it, Mohammad is here and doing well! Read the latest here: We are now working on getting his family to safety. Also, check out this awesome website that supporters built for us. Reuniting Mohammad with his family will be a team effort. Join us! #LeaveNoOne

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