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It has been a month since I stepped foot in Ciudadela Sucre. I miss Louisa, Maicol, Evita, Santiago, the HFH Colombia team and my tribe. In that week, we managed to partially rehabilitate 3 homes, pave a road, advocate for affordable housing and better living conditions among political actors in Colombia and have since raised over $100,000 towards our efforts. If you see this note today PLEASE SHARE it so that I am held accountable, so that I will never forget Louisa, Maicol and all of the people of SOACHA. Dear God, wrap your hands around this woman and her child this Holiday season. Provide for them what they need. Hold me accountable for what I have seen and experienced this year. Be sure to check the latest pics (including this one of our "COMPLETED ROAD") as they reveal how much your contributions have aided in transforming the homes and lives of the people of Ciudadela de Sucre. Our work is not complete.
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Our last reflection revealed my fears true as a fellow tribe member shared her inner thoughts and heartfelt anxieties, both of which were valid, well-received and understood. "Am I doing enough," is often the question. The response: "No." I will never be able to do such a thing. Perhaps my seeds will bring forth tangible fruit, proof that my heart is in the right place. Perhaps not. Perhaps it is not I that is doing much of anything. Howbeit, it is the idea that for every family I attempt to "assist" is equivalent to having just enough experience to come a single step closer to the Will of effort of sufficiency and sustainability. I am imperfect, so surely this must take countless families. Thus, I've only just begun. In the meantime, I must absorb all that God has for me from those I meet, even if only for a "reason". All the abbreviations after one's name depicts knowledge, discipline and diligence, but all is deemed flat unless he or she absorbs the experiences and perspectives of those shoulder-to-shoulder studying, dating the biggest moron or hurling concrete into wooden molds called "forms". The facts and infinite details of unused material can be forgotten and sometimes slayed for the sake of allowing the practicality of experience pave the way.
This week was good. A lot of giving took place; giving of ourselves, our backgrounds and personal stories, our fears and desires for the project and our lives as well as money, time and energy. Patience was given. Music was given. Smiles were given and "windows" of opportunity were given; the opportunity of laughter most pervasive. Liberation was given and vulnerabilities on behalf of us all gave way into a sea of love, synergy and humaness (if that is even a word).
Research demonstrates that international service develops skills, mindsets and behavior networks that prepare volunteers for living and working in a knowledge-based global economy (Australia Volunteers International & Monash University, 2007). Although I am unable to save the world today Sandra told us "all it takes is the will to do so." My will is to investment indeed of inspiration and growth. The amazement by which one is overwhelmed by the amount of generosity, gratitude and pure goodness is commonplace during these trips. The very website we relentlessly check to determine if we've received a recent donation starts with the word "share", not exactly serendipitous, but ironic no less.
I am finding that through sharing I am enlightened and transformed. Life will never be the same...and it shouldn't be. All of this was, is and will be an act of faith, a quality paramount in the art of giving and is readily achievable when one steps out of his own way. In other words: "It's not that bad!"
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That's what my Soachan grandmother told me upon our departing her home and "almost complete" flooring. I took a quick glance at her as I knew full well what was coming next. I have a soft spot for those who give of themselves to show gratitude often giving what they don't have...what I believe to be love of purest form. I've found this characteristic is often rare and in those most desperate, desolate and destitute. Why must I travel so far to find such love? I go to hug mi abuela and immediately I melt like an ice cube on the sidewalk of a hot Texan day. Does she not know how much she and her grandson have fed my soul? And I walk away from her unfinished floor?! Her floor! Dear God, how must I show her my gratitude? Please wrap your hands around this woman and her child oh God. Provide for them what they need. Hold me accountable for what I have seen and experienced here. If you see this note today PLEASE SHARE it so that I am held accountable, so that I will never forget Louisa, Malcol and all of the people of SOACHA.
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Can you fathom your babies sleeping in a place like this? Help me reach my campaign goal on #Share.Habitat! Check it out:
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Would you want to try to drive on this? Help me reach my campaign goal on #Share.Habitat! Check it out:
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Posted my #HabitatforHumanity flyer in both the Benton Park Cafe AND the Blues City Deli yesterday. Can't wait to see which social mogul will raise MORE money towards building homes in Bogota, Colombia!! Join the movement and donate TODAY at
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Help me reach my campaign goal on #Share.Habitat by October 2, 2013! In November I will travel to Bogota, Colombia to repair homes and roads. We will spend a week in Soacha, a “suburb” west of Bogota where thousands of refugees from Colombia’s internal conflict have fled to and erected cambuches, tin huts, because life close to the city has been safer than life in the rural areas they left. The inhabitants of Soacha need safe and stable housing, better public utilities, and paved roads—amenities we take for granted. Will you help me and my team meet our fundraising goal and work for better lives for those in Soacha? Check it out:
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Currently on a conference call with Dave McMurtry, Flora Calderon-Steck and the rest of our team! So excited to be speaking and collaborating with people around the world! Humbling, humbling experience! Lord I thank you...
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Nov 26
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