IUPUI Mentoring Initiative

IUPUI Mentoring Initiative

Kelley MBA Programs

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Raised (USD)

Days Left: 0
Goal: $1,500

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A mentor inspires and challenges, develops your EQ and mind, and never judges. The Kelley M³ – Moment to Momentum Mentoring Program is vital for students. Your gift allows Kelley mentors and mentees to connect & succeed!

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Kishan Nunkoo commented:
over 6 years ago
hello ok sc exams well ok sms kishan nunkoo 23057901016 bye free patient sms say doctor bye well ok sms when coming bye
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The Indiana University Foundation solicits tax-deductible private contributions for the benefit of Indiana University and is registered to solicit charitable contributions in all states requiring registration. For our full disclosure statement, see http://go.iu.edu/89n.

Gifts will be administered by the Indiana University Foundation, which represents Indiana University, including the IU School of Medicine. This is not a gift to Indiana University Health, and the Indiana University Health Foundation will not play a role in administering these accounts.