Laps For LeTort

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Laps For LeTort

From Letort PTO

We're raising funds to help our school buy supplies, sponsor assemblies and field trips, support staff recognition and issue scholarships. No amount is too small. Every bit helps make Letort a great learning environment!

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Vickie Wall commented with a $35 donation:
almost 3 years ago
For Zoey and Quinn
Wendy Hutchinson commented with a $25 donation:
almost 3 years ago
For Isabella Hutchinson
Wendy Hutchinson commented with a $25 donation:
almost 3 years ago
for Hailey Kluge
Patricia Garden commented with a $100 donation:
almost 3 years ago
Laps for Letort For Anakin Garden 1st grade Mrs Braun His goal: 5 laps From the Garden family: Patty,Jeff,Kilee,Mason and Kelci
Laurie Foltz commented with a $109 donation:
almost 3 years ago
You got this Bentley D. Nanna and Poppy
Jennifer Eldridge commented with a $25 donation:
almost 3 years ago
For Jackson Eldridge
Jennifer Eldridge commented with a $25 donation:
almost 3 years ago
For Harper Eldridge
Terri Herr commented with a $20 donation:
almost 3 years ago
Have fun John & Emmalyn!
Rebecca Milisock commented with a $100 donation:
almost 3 years ago
Have fun Levi! Love Mom, Dad, Nanny & PopPop, and Kelly & Kyle! (Levi Milisock 3Wolfe)
Rebecca Milisock commented with a $100 donation:
almost 3 years ago
Have fun Morgan! Love Mom, Dad, Nanny &PopPop, and Kelly & Kyle! (Morgan Milisock 6Johnson)
Gwen Miller commented with a $35 donation:
almost 3 years ago
Go Reece and Trudy! Love Nanny and Pap
Shirley Christian commented with a $10 donation:
almost 3 years ago
Go Letort!!
Julia Hess commented with a $55 donation:
almost 3 years ago
Go Alenna & Lucian!
Alan McMenamin commented with a $27 donation:
almost 3 years ago
Good luck Abs!
Gabriela Hagiu commented with a $50 donation:
almost 3 years ago
Go Grace! Go Anna!
Wanda Adams commented with a $55 donation:
almost 3 years ago
GO Adam!!
Andrea McMenamin commented with a $50 donation:
almost 3 years ago
Go Abby Gadberry Love, Babcia & Pop-Pop
Marie Valentukonis commented with a $50 donation:
almost 3 years ago
Go Ellie and Colin Love, Mammy
Ashlyn Brandt commented with a $25 donation:
almost 3 years ago
Go Kenny! Have fun! -mom & dad
Mindy McBride commented with a $38 donation:
almost 3 years ago
For Harper Izzo