Let's Help Texas!

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Echarri Joel commented:
almost 4 years ago
Hi I am ready to finance any type of project, please contact me for more information by email: [email protected]
John Silver commented with a $27 donation:
almost 4 years ago
Texas nurses ROCK! (as do all nurses)
Allie Kranick commented with a $109 donation:
almost 4 years ago
Thank you for all the good work you're doing down there!
Kyle Hofmann commented with a $100 donation:
almost 4 years ago
Go get em man. Really great thing you’re doing.
James Craig commented with a $100 donation:
almost 4 years ago
Pipe it up.
Mackenzie Moser commented with a $50 donation:
almost 4 years ago
Thanks for what you are doing to help!