Lexie, Lemonade, & Love

Lexie, Lemonade, & Love

From Susan Carlucci

To help provide safe, stable homes for boys and girls through the Florida Baptist Children's Home in Tallahassee.

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Miguel Carlucci commented with a $50 donation:
about 11 years ago
Happy Birthday Lexie!
Megan Steenberg commented with a $10 donation:
about 11 years ago
Happy Birthday, Lexie!
Irene Hackett commented with a $25 donation:
about 11 years ago
Grampy, Sarah and I are SO PROUD of your generous spirit - God bless you sweetheart!! xoxoxo
Connie Hoffman commented with a support:
about 11 years ago
Lexie you are an inspiration, Love you and happy to support your cause. oxox
Molly Henry Steenberg commented with a $10 donation:
about 11 years ago
Happy birthday! We love you
Molly Henry Steenberg commented with a support:
about 11 years ago
I'm so proud of you! Keep up the good work.
Anonymous commented with a $10 donation:
about 11 years ago
Happy Birthday Lexie- you are a very compassionate person for being so generous.
Sarah Rose commented with a $10 donation:
about 11 years ago
Go Lexie!!
Janet Pytlik commented with a $20 donation:
about 11 years ago
What a sweet sweet thing to do. Happy Birthday!
Kelle Brooks commented with a $20 donation:
about 11 years ago
Lexie- we've never met, but your mom was one of my best friends when we were little...you obviously have her BIG heart...you're awesome!
Christine Walsh commented with a $30 donation:
about 11 years ago
Can't believe Lexie is going to be 8! Happy birthday Lexie!!
Susan Carlucci commented:
about 11 years ago
So Proud of you Lexie!
Susan Carlucci commented with a $25 donation:
about 11 years ago
We are so proud of you Lexie!