Maguire is turning 9 and his birthday wish again this year is to give books to kids who need them most. Here is Ecuador we have found a lot of need. Please help him give books to kids and help them love to read.
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Kathleen Shipman commented with a $20 donation:
about 9 years agoKathleen Metzler commented with a $20 donation:
about 9 years agoJoel Thompson commented with a $25 donation:
about 9 years agoDan Bannerman commented with a $20 donation:
about 9 years agoDeanna Woo commented with a $10 donation:
about 9 years agoSally Vilardi commented with a $25 donation:
about 9 years agoDonors
Joe And Vivian Brooke
Angela Allen
Nichole Wengert
Rachael & Mike Treiber
Katherine Anderson
Joel Thompson
Maria Torres
Pauline H Vann
Sally Vilardi