Monthly-sustenance-fund for Mother Cat

Monthly-sustenance-fund for Mother Cat

From Julia Alsop

Help Mother Cat Survive and Thrive! We’re inviting you to join a monthly support program for our friend Catherine Lynn Quick, a.k.a Mother Cat, a longtime inside member of the Prisoner Correspondence Project.

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Julia Alsop posted a new update:
about 3 years ago

Update #2

Hi everyone!!

Thank you so much for donating and sustaining Cat for the past two years. We extended the campaign due to the pandemic and have been very amazed by this outpouring of generosity from the community!!

Unfortunately, Cat is still not in a stable housing situation. She has bought and fixed up a trailer but the lot it is on in Memphis is not stable. Her landlord an boss is currently threatening to kick Cat off the property - along with her puppies and belonings!

Our core team - myself, Kriz and Olivia - are going to keep our monthly donations going. We are ENDING this fundraiser though. If anyone wants to make a last minute donation to Cat - there are FOUR DAYS left on this fundraiser. If anyone would like to continue supporting Cat monthly, please reach out to me at rideralsop AT gmail DOT com

Thank you!!!


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Julia Alsop posted a new update:
over 4 years ago

Update #1

Hi all!

Thanks so much for supporting Cat! Just wanted to send you an update from her. Last week, Tennessee was given shelter in place orders. We were able to send her emergency funds in order to buy groceries and cleaning supplies before that happened, in addition to the monthly donations that have kept her going and have enabled Cat to stay in her home!

We sincerely hope you're all doing as well as can be during this time <3

Message from Cat below!

Dear Supporters,

I wish to thank you all for your support, especially now during these trying times of a pandemic.

I am on a safer in place order so am no longer working and spending my days bored locked in a small room, but I am alive and doing well because of you and your support for me.

I hope you all are also well and making it through this time with little to no drama in your lives.

May you all be blessed and may you all find comfort during these times.

Mother Cat

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