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Anonymous commented with a $200 donation:
about 1 year ago
Love to all my Indonesian fam!!
Anonymous commented with a $103 donation:
about 1 year ago
11k reached! Come on brothers and sisters- bring us home!
Anonymous commented with a $118 donation:
about 1 year ago
Let’s go Indonesia!!!??
Michelle Kim commented:
about 1 year ago
$ 250 on behalf of Lee Or (Israel Academy)
Giorgia Garavelli commented with a $100 donation:
about 1 year ago
Berachot gedolot!
Jazmin Trespalacios commented with a $50 donation:
about 1 year ago
Baruch HaShem
Dennis Gasparini commented with a $54 donation:
about 1 year ago
beit tikkun belgium
Christopher Strong commented with a $542 donation:
about 1 year ago
Tara and I are praying for the safety and health of the entire team.
Veronique Theilliez commented with a $54 donation:
about 1 year ago
Thank you Rabbi and all the Shuvu team I keep you alll in my prayers
Peter Desing commented with a $500 donation:
about 1 year ago
Mazal tov