PRxPR Relief & Rebuild Fund

PRxPR Relief & Rebuild Fund

From PRxPR .Org

PRxPR – RELIEF & REBUILD FUND  – a private, non-partisan, no overhead fund, was purposefully created to help Puerto Rico in the aftermath of two deeply devastating and unprecedented hurricanes.

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PRxPR .Org posted a new update:
almost 2 years ago

Update #16

Dear Friend of PRxPR,

We hope this finds you well and enjoying the holiday season. As we close this year, we wanted to update you on what PRxPR has accomplished in 2022 and thank you for your support.

This year our PRxPR fund distributed 10 grants representing over $244,000 in direct aid. Your donations have impacted communities across the Islands of Puerto Rico, including Adjuntas, Ciales, Manati, Toa Baja, Toa Alta, Dorado, Vieques, Ponce, Lajas, Cabo Rojo, Boqueron, Yabucoa and other municipalities. Through our partnerships with 10 local NGOs, we have supported thousands of disadvantaged Puerto Ricans.

Amongst the initiatives PRxPR funded this year:

- Sourced and distributed over 50,000 of locally grown produce to senior citizens challenged by food insecurity.

- Acquired and installed 30 portable (500 gallons) cisterns for clean water distribution to the most compromised communities lacking drinkable water after the September hurricane.

- Served over 14,600 hot meals to children on the Island of Vieques.

- Sponsored the construction of 2 large community kitchens, which prepared and distributed over 600 nutritious hot meals weekly for elders and bedded patients in need of food.

- Donated solar battery packs to energize one of the very few shrimp and crawfish native aquafarms locally owned and operated in Puerto Rico.

- Bought 4,800 hens to jumpstart the egg production at a locally owned small poultry farm that lost everything to floods that battered the Island this storm season.

- Distributed thousands of relief supplies and basic needs kits for the victims of Hurricane Fiona.

- Provided $5,000 micro-grants to 8 small agro-ecological farmers to relaunch their small operations, which were severely affected by natural weather disasters.

These are just some of the projects that PRxPR was able to support thanks to the generosity of over 3,000 donors like you who trusted our initiative. Many of you joined us after PRxPR was endorsed by The Obama Foundation, USA Today, ABC News, NPR, Fortune Magazine, and many other top organizations as one of the best and most trustworthy disaster relief nonprofit organizations working to rebuild Puerto Rico. We are most proud of the respect and regard our PRxPR brand has secured in the market. We appreciate your vote of confidence.

Most importantly, we wanted to thank you for your generous support. Without your support, this would not have been possible. We are most grateful.

Happy holidays and a healthy and happy New Year to you and yours.
Feliz Navidad,

The Team at PRxPR

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PRxPR .Org posted a new update:
almost 2 years ago

Update #15

Dear Friends of PRxPR,

We wanted to give you a brief update on how we have activated PRxPR to provide immediate aid to affected communities in PR after Hurricane Fiona. As we have done in the past, we kicked off operations the same day the storm hit the Island – Sept 18, 2022.

Two weeks after Fiona, PRxPR has already distributed over $100,000 in aid. Our first grant went out the door in 72 hours.

We have been in active dialogue with 12 community partners to quickly complete assessments of which communities truly need support and what is needed at the priority level. We're hearing a lot of the same thing: water, food, and first necessity products. Therefore, this is what we are doing:

- FOOD: we are supporting the community kitchens that we had donated, built, or renovated in different communities after Hurricane Maria. The solar systems, water systems, and industrial kitchens in which we invested in the last five years are working excellently. They are truly the relief centers of so many affected communities. Our strategy over the past five years has proven very successful. Through these community kitchens, we are now providing nonperishable goods, food products, and native produce to prepare thousands of food rations for distribution. In Manati, for example, our partners at FUPSER are getting 250 – 300 hot meals prepared and distributed to southern affected communities daily. In Adjuntas, our grantee and community partner José Esteban López Maldonado is preparing and delivering 150 hot meals every day to elders and bedded residents of their Limani community. These are just two of many examples.

- WATER: we have purchased and distributed 30 transportable 500 gallons cisterns with multiple custom-made and fitted multi-taps for efficient and swift distribution of water among citizens. We are trying to avoid the plastic bottles that did so much damage to us after Hurricane Maria. We are also purchasing water filters to alleviate the situation in affected households.

- BASIC NECESSITIES: we are collaborating with a number of local partners (NGOs) for the purchase and distribution of the items that have been indicated to us are most necessary (personal hygiene items, cleaning products, propane stoves, and gas, etc.) Thousands of kits have already been distributed.

At the same time that we are doing all this, we have our eye on agriculture and are starting to process strategies to support our small farmers because, as you know, farms everywhere have been devastated. We will be joining Para La Naturaleza in a grant program for small farmers. In addition, we expect to buy their inventories, donate seeds and tools and work closely with them until they get back on their feet. Just today, we approved a grant to buy 1,000 egg-producing hens for Finca Pastoreo, a small livestock farm that lost over 4,800 hens to Fiona floods.

None of this would have been possible without the support of donors like you, who have generously donated to our initiative. Thank you for trusting PRxPR to deliver your aid. We are most grateful.

PRxPR was fortunate to be chosen as one of the three Most Trusted Entities to donate to Puerto Rico by the Obama Foundation, NPR, ABC News, USA Today, Esquire, Steven Colbert Late Show, journalist Katie Couric, and others. But we are concerned that the well will dry given the terrible destruction caused by Hurricane Ian in Florida this past week. In any case, we will continue to help our Island as much as you can support us for as long as we can.

Always grateful for your support.

PRxPR Team

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PRxPR .Org posted a new update:
about 2 years ago

Update #14

Dear friends of PRxPR,

Hurricane Fiona struck Puerto Rico on Sunday, September 18th, almost five years to the day of Hurricane Maria. This event has been categorized as catastrophic.

Three days later, there are still 1.18 Million power outages (80% of customers) and 60% of the population without running water. Patients have been evacuated from hospitals. Floods and mudslides have devastated communities, and unprecedented levels of rain (30+ inches) have been reported Island wide. Like Yogi Berra once said: -- “This is déjà vu all over again”. --

PRxPR is activating its disaster aid protocol, and we need your help. We are swiftly identifying the most affected communities and will be delivering food, water, and first necessity products directly to them – quickly, efficiently, and effectively. You have always supported PRxPR and we hope you are with us on this one too.

Please donate at

Give what you can. 100% of donations will go to Fiona victims.

Thank you.

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PRxPR .Org posted a new update:
about 2 years ago

Update #12

Today, the entire Island of Puerto Rico is getting battered by Hurricane Fiona - a storm which has developed into a dangerous, destructive and catastrophic natural disaster. 
Significant damage is expected due to unprecedented levels of rainfall.  100% of the country is currently without electrical power. Floods and mudslides are expected to reach historic levels. 

PRxPR is activating its disaster aid protocol and we need your help. Please donate at
Give what you can. 100% of donations will go to Fiona victims directly. 

Thank you. 


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PRxPR .Org posted a new update:
almost 3 years ago

Update #11

Bulletin #17 - December 2021

Double the Impact This Holiday Season

Holidays are the perfect time for reflection and action. It is also a time of generosity, sharing and giving. This season, when most of us buy, spend, eat and celebrate, is also the time to share our blessings with the many who are not as lucky. In Puerto Rico, we find ample opportunity to do just that.

25 x 25:
PRxPR is rolling out its 2021 end of the year 25 x 25 fundraising campaign. For a $25 donation, we will buy 25 lb of fresh, locally grown produce from small agroecological farmers which then gets distributed to elders and disabled citizens in disadvantaged communities throughout Puerto Rico. We are creating farming jobs, rebuilding our local agriculture, and feeding many who face food insecurity issues every day. We have distributed over 100,000 lb of food this year. But the needs are growing.

For $25, we are also providing five hot meals a week to 60 children in the offshore island municipality of Vieques. These daily hot lunches are sometimes the only hot meal these kids will have all day. We could feed many more if we had more funding.

From now until December 31, an anonymous major donor of PRxPR will be matching – dollar for dollar** – any donation you make to our fund. That means that every dollar you give will double. Every $1 you donate will become $2. Every 25 lb of produce you donate will become 50 lb. For every kid you help us feed, we will feed another. But please act now. The match program is in effect until Dec. 31, 2021.

There is hunger in our country. Many Puerto Ricans face food insecurity every day. During these pandemic times, PRxPR decided to focus on this challenge. But we cannot do it alone. We need your donations.

We know you have choices when it comes to giving. PRxPR is unique in that it is the only NO-OVERHEAD fund helping Puerto Rico recover. So, there are no administrative costs. None. 100% of your donation will go directly to those in need. All of it. Every single cent. All donations are 100% tax-exempt.

Thank you for what you can give. Happy Holidays from all of us at PRXPR.

Carmen Báez

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PRxPR .Org posted a new update:
almost 3 years ago

Update #10

Bulletin #16 – November 2021

Feed People
25 X 25

Many still need help in Puerto Rico – especially elders and children. 43% of Puerto Ricans and 57% of Puerto Rican children live in poverty. A survey by George Washington University concluded that 40% of Puerto Rico residents are experiencing food insecurity. This number has increased due to COVID-19. There is a significant need in many rural areas. With a fractured economy, a resource-starved government, and critical federal aid stuck in political bureaucracy, our people are in trouble. Donors like you, and organizations like ours, simply cannot stop helping now.

At PRxPR we are buying natively grown produce from small agroecological farmers and distributing it to elders and disabled citizens who need food. We are creating agro jobs, assuring local farmers an income, and helping feed those in most need. It’s simple and powerful. And we need your help.

25 x 25 - For $25 we can feed a child for a week. For your $25 donation, we can buy 25 pounds of fresh, healthy, locally grown vegetables and fruits for seniors.

This year alone, we delivered over 92,000 lb of food to hundreds of senior citizens in over a dozen communities in our Island. The waitlist for our food boxes is growing every day. We just cannot keep up with the numbers.
School children cannot learn if they are hungry. In the Island municipality of Vieques, we have been providing daily hot meals and snacks to 60 disadvantaged kids at the local Boys and Girls Club. Ingredients are sourced from the local farming collaborative, assuring that the local agro sector grows. We believe this is not charity but an investment in the future of our country.

PRxPR is committed to staying the course. We are asking you to donate, as you did before, so we can continue the task that we set out to do – help rebuild Puerto Rico.

100% - Remember, our operational model is unique. We are the only aid fund that has no overhead or administrative costs. This means that 100% of your donation goes directly to those in most need. All of it.

Help us help - Please give $25 for 25 pounds of vegetables and fruits for seniors or we will use your $25 to feed a child for a week. No donation is too small.

Donating is easy via our website,

Puerto Rico is surviving thanks to the fortitude of its people and friends like you who have been instrumental in the path to recovery. You have cared. Please keep Puerto Rico and our good people in your heart and keep supporting PRxPR in any way you can. We will be most grateful.


Carmen Báez
Donate. Activate. Advocate

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PRxPR .Org posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #9

PRxPR Bulletin # 15

Down On The Ground Through the Pandemic

A picture paints a thousand words. This is why we want to share some images of our most recent initiatives. They tell the story of what is really happening down on the ground – at the community level – and how your generous donations are indeed impacting the lives of many Puerto Ricans on a daily basis.

Since March 2020, when the pandemic kicked off, PRxPR made the strategic decision to concentrate on the problem of food insecurity Island-wide. We committed to distributing our grants to sectors and communities where we could make a direct impact on those who were not receiving government aid or had limited capacity to be fed and safe, especially during the Covid months. Working closely with community leaders and NGO partners, PRxPR has leveraged our national agricultural sector and its need to rebuild to feed the most vulnerable of populations: elders and children. We have creatively designed grant programs that are sourcing local crops, creating farming jobs, growing the agro-economy all while putting food on the table of many families who need the support. And we have done this Island wide:

- In the island municipality of Vieques, PRxPR is providing daily hot meals for the 60 needy children of the Boys and Girls Club of Puerto Rico. Over 10,900 meals have been served. In most cases, these Club meals represent the most nutritious meal these kids will have all day. In addition, we are distributing monthly grocery bags to 30 families.

- In the northern region of Manati, PRxPR is delivering 200 cases of locally farmed fruits and vegetables to elders and bedded residents who are extremely disadvantaged and live way below the poverty line. Each 25 lbs case contains fresh agro ecologically grown product from a collective of small country farmers in the mountainous region of Adjuntas who are working hard to rebuild their capacity and their farms post-hurricane and earthquake disasters. To date, more than 60,000 lbs of food have been distributed to more than 10 disadvantaged communities. We are grateful to Fundación Unidos Para Servir (FUPSER) for supporting us in these efforts.

- In the central region of Aibonito, working closely with community-based organization Enlace Agricola, PRxPR has kicked off a similar food delivery program. Natively grown produce is sourced from 10-15 agro-ecological small farmers and distributed directly to the senior center Centro de Envejecientes del Campito (CEC) and Casa Pensamiento de la Mujer, an organization specializing in supporting victims of domestic abuse. Every week, 400 lbs of healthy vegetables and fruits are donated. This initiative impacts 150+ elders at the Centro de Envejecientes and 50+ women, men, and members of the LGBTTQ+ communities experiencing the challenges of domestic violence.

Running all these programs has been increasingly difficult given the limitations of the Covid Pandemic as imposed in all of us. But working closely and resiliently with our partners down on the ground and strictly following the required safety and health protocols, we have persisted. Early this year we distributed 100,000+ masks to over a dozen disadvantaged communities across Puerto Rico. We are grateful to Supermercados Econo for their generous donation which made this possible.

The situations that we see down on the ground tell us there is an ongoing, critical need for help on our Island. The elders that we support tell us how federal and government aid is not always getting to those in most need – or not getting to them fast enough. The children that we are helping feed represent the 58% of children that live in poverty. The families we encounter represent the 22% of adults who have reported skipping meals or eating less because they cannot afford food during these times. Down on the ground, the situation is still difficult. Down on the ground, the needs are real.

PRxPR is committed to continuing this mission but we cannot do it without the help of friends like you. Please consider a donation today. If you have already donated, we thank you. And we ask you to give again. Down on the ground they need us.

Thanks for your support,

Carmen Baez
PRxPR Founder

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PRxPR .Org posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #8

Your PRxPR Funds at Work:
Commitment and Resilience
Bulletin #14 – December 2020

The holiday season is the perfect time for reflection and action. As this most complicated 2020 comes to an end, PRxPR would like to thank you for supporting our communities as they have survived this year’s earthquakes, an anemic economy, stalled reconstruction efforts, and now the Covid19 pandemic. What a year.

On January 7, Puerto Rico experienced a historic 6.4 earthquake and thousands of smaller aftershocks which devastated the southwestern part of the Island. PRxPR delivered over $100,000 in immediate relief supplies including blankets, solar lamps, portable showers, baby food and diapers, tents, sleeping bags, cots, and essential necessity/ first aid items. Working closely with our partners at NGO Mano A Mano, this aid was delivered in the towns of Penuelas, Guayanilla, Yauco, Utuado, Adjuntas, Guanica, San German, and Juana Diaz and Ponce.

In early March, as Covid19 lockdowns commenced, PRxPR made the decision to focus on food insecurity – an overwhelming problem seriously amplified by the pandemic.

For the last 10 months, we have been buying food and locally grown produce, delivering hot meals, and sponsoring community kitchens across the Islands of Puerto Rico, including Vieques and Culebra. We purchase fresh fruit and vegetable products from small agroecological farmers in the mountains of Adjuntas. These goods are then packaged in 25-30 lbs food boxes which are delivered to bedridden elders and senior citizens in disadvantaged communities in Manati. To date, we have delivered over 2,400 food boxes and more than 72,000 pounds of healthy, fresh produce to over 200 households in need. With your help, we plan to continue this program in 2021, as food insecurity is unfortunately increasing.

Thanks to your generosity, PRxPR has been providing daily hot meals to the 60+ children of the Boys and Girls Club of Vieques along with monthly grocery bags for their families. With the tourism economy so seriously impacted, the need for nutritional aid is imperative and growing.

On the Island of Culebra, working closely with our community partner Mujeres de Islas, we have been sponsoring the transportation and distribution of donated food boxes to 650 local families. Simultaneously, PRxPR is funding a full-time agronomist who is now working with residents to develop, plant, and grow vegetable home gardens in pursuit of self-sufficiency and an improved quality diet.

With your support, PRxPR has been sponsoring the operations of ACUTAS – Asociacion de Comunidades Unidas Tomando Accion Solidaria in Toa Baja. This terrific community organization has been operating three community kitchens that feed over 400 elder citizens every week. Under strict Covid19 safety protocols, ACUTAS also runs children after school and adult continuing education programs.

These are but a few of our 2020 PRxPR Initiatives. Progress has been made. But the list of challenges grows. And so does our commitment and resolve to keep helping our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico.

You have given a hand to Puerto Ricans at their time of need and we are grateful to you for making all this possible. Like you, over 3,000 friends of PRxPR have entrusted us to deliver their contributions directly to those in most need. In 2021, we will continue to do just that. And with the kindness and compassion of friends like you, we are confident in a brighter 2021.

Happy Holidays and a safe and healthy New Year to you and yours.


Carmen Báez

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PRxPR .Org posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #7


Today we marked the third anniversary of that historic day when Hurricane Maria ravaged our homeland and devastated our country’s lands, homes, livelihoods, and people.

There has been some healing in our beloved Puerto Rico but that journey to recovery has been extraordinarily difficult. January earthquakes, the Covid19 pandemic, and an active summer hurricane season have stretched resources and tested the resilience of the good people of Puerto Rico in unimaginable ways. However, your support and generous contributions to PRxPR have enabled a resolve and has helped to mobilize hundreds of volunteers. PRxPR has distributed nearly $1.5MM of necessary aid to dozens of communities in need through the Island.

In the past three years, PRxPR has done exactly what we set out to do:
-- Provide emergency disaster relief,
-- Help rebuild our homeland
-- Distribute 100% of donate funds - incurring no overhead costs and never engaging with government bureaucracies.

Together we have been consistent, disciplined, efficient and effective in impacting lives and communities that truly needed a hand up. But the challenges persist. A few stories from recent discussions I’ve had lend light to the reality ‘on the ground’:

One of the small agro-farmers we support in the Adjuntas mountains told me he must replant five acres of plantain trees his farm lost in a July 74 MPH tropical storm---just as the crops were about to be picked. The fortitude and muscle are there to start again but restarting requires unplanned investment. The limited federal and state aid must be now focused on the Covid19 pandemic, so our small farmers are on their own.

On the island of Culebra, tourism revenue -- the mainstay of their income -- is non-existent. Covid19 has shut it down. Lines to pick up donated food boxes at the headquarters of our community partners start at 4:30AM. 600+ families are critically dependent on those deliveries. With no visitors allowed or even able to access the island, a collapsed economy, and the severe restrictions required to control the pandemic, food security is a serious concern.

In the communities of Manati, PRxPR is distributing natively grown produce boxes along with protective masks to over 100 senior and disabled citizens’ households. The wait list for our aid is growing every day. We just cannot keep up with the numbers.

Island wide, over 25,000 homes are still covered with blue tarps, rural communities are fighting Covid19 with little to no resources and too many are still struggling to meet basic needs and replace their essential commodities. My conversations with those on the Island are difficult and heart-wrenching. And yet hope and a fighting persistence remain.

Therefore, PRxPR endures and continues committed to help.

Today, we want to thank you. PRxPR is grateful for your kind and generous support these past three years. Puerto Rico is surviving thanks to the fortitude of the people and friends like you who have been instrumental in the path to recovery. You have cared.

We hope you stick with us. We understand especially today there are many disasters and global threats that deserve your donations and support. But we hope you can keep Puerto Rico and our good people in your heart and keep supporting PRxPR in any way you can.

PRxPR Team
Donate. Activate. Advocate.

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PRxPR .Org posted a new update:
about 4 years ago

Update #6


It’s hard to believe. We were hit. One more time.

Tropical Storm Isaias just hit Puerto Rico bringing stronger winds, much more water, and much more damage than anyone expected. Twenty-four hours after the storm passed, there were still over 400,000 customers without electrical power and over 200,000 people without potable water. Preliminary estimates to infrastructure, housing and commercial sectors exceed more than $250MM. Once again, Puerto Ricans must respond with resilience and fortitude to Mother Nature’s power.

Even as our agricultural sector was just recuperating from Hurricane Maria, floods, mudslides and storm level winds destroyed hundreds of farms. Hardest hit were small farmers who cultivated plantains, bananas, and coffee. It is estimated that millions of plantain trees have been demolished. Coffee bushes, just ready to produce their first crops after three years of tender care, are now lost for good. This has been a terrible blow to our farmers.

At PRxPR we have always been committed to providing disaster aid to those most affected while helping communities to resiliently rebuild. Today is no exception. As we continue our Covid-19 related food security initiatives, small farmers who provide much of the needed food, need relief grants to start again.

Your support has always been instrumental to PRxPR and we are always grateful for your generosity to the people of Puerto Rico. If you would like to continue to support our work, please consider our PRxPR Fund. We are the only NO OVERHEAD RELIEF FUND operating on the Island. 100% of your donations go DIRECTLY to communities, families, elders and children in need. And uniquely, we do not work, deal, engage nor participate in any government programs – strictly NO GOVERNMENT engagement of any kind.

Please help us help by donating at

Thank you,

Carmen Báez
Donate. Activate. Advocate.

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PRxPR .Org posted a new update:
over 4 years ago

Update #4

Friends, COVID19 has attacked Puerto Ricans more severely than in many other places in the world.

After more than 8 weeks of a required shutdown, the virus has ravaged Puerto Rico’s economy which was already in a critical state. Thousands of Puerto Ricans have lost their jobs and the means to make a living and feed their families. In a country where the “official” poverty rate is 43%, this blow has been catastrophic.

To exacerbate this, on May 2nd, Puerto Rico was hit again by another destructive natural disaster – a 5.5 earthquake. This disaster caused additional damage to an already devastated infrastructure which has been pounded by two historic hurricanes (Irma and Maria), a January 2020 6.4 earthquake, and a record number of aftershocks.

At PRxPR we have always been committed to providing rescue aid to those most affected while helping communities to resiliently rebuild. The urgency now is to provide immediate RELIEF.

Effective immediately, PRxPR is directing 100% of donations to provide FOOD to COVID19 and earthquake victims directly. Our focus is to provide meals, groceries, clean water, food and essential relief items to the most vulnerable populations – with our priorities being elders and children.

Finally, a reminder that PRxPR is the only NO OVERHEAD RELIEF FUND operating in the Island. 100% of your donations go DIRECTLY to communities in need. And uniquely, we do not work, deal, engage nor participate in any government programs – strictly NO GOVERNMENT engagement of any kind. You have been most generous supporting Puerto Rico in the past and we are most grateful for it. But it has never been more important for us to count on your generosity. Please help us help by donating at

Thank you,

Carmen Báez

PRxPR Donate. Activate. Advocate.

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PRxPR .Org posted a new update:
over 4 years ago

Update #2


A few days ago, the unthinkable happened. Puerto Rico was hit again by a devastating natural disaster on May 2nd, A 5.5 earthquake. Adding catastrophic results to the 6.4 earthquake on Jan 7th that left thousands homeless, damaged critical infrastructure and again has paralyzed a country which had barely recovered from the historic hurricane just 2 years ago.

As of this writing, more than half of the island is without power and over 300,000 citizens are without water. In the southwest region, people are sleeping in parking lots and shelters are filling to capacity. All 500+ public schools on the island are closed as they are not confirmed to be structurally safe. Many towns have been devastated by the event.

At PRxPR we remain committed to providing immediate relief aid to those most affected from natural disasters, while helping communities to resiliently rebuild.

Effective immediately, PRxPR is directing 100% of donations to help the earthquake victims directly. Our focus will be to provide water, food and essential relief items to the most vulnerable populations: our elderly and children.

You have been most generous supporting Puerto Rico in the past and we are most grateful for it. If you would like to join us again in this new effort, you can do so by donating at

Thank you for helping us help the people of Puerto Rico.

Carmen Báez
Donate. Activate. Advocate.

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PRxPR .Org posted a new update:
over 4 years ago

Update #1

A few days ago, the unthinkable happened. Puerto Rico was again hit by a devastating natural disaster. The 6.4 earthquake on Jan 7th left thousands homeless, damaged critical infrastructure and again has paralyzed a country which had barely recovered from the historic hurricane just 2 years ago. 
As of this writing, more than half of the island is without power and over 300,000 citizens are without water. In the southwest region, people are sleeping in parking lots and shelters are filling to capacity.  All 500+ public schools on the island are closed as they are not confirmed to be structurally safe. Many towns have been devastated by the event. 
At PRxPR we remain committed to providing immediate relief aid to those most affected from natural disasters, while helping communities to resiliently rebuild. 

Effective immediately, PRxPR is directing 100% of donations to help the earthquake victims directly. Our focus will be to provide water, food and essential relief items to the most vulnerable populations: our elderly and children.
You have been most generous supporting Puerto Rico in the past and we are most grateful for it.  If you would like to join us again in this new effort, you can do so by donating at

Thank you for helping us help the people of Puerto Rico. 
Carmen Báez
Donate. Activate. Advocate. 

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