Be the Change & Stop Human Trafficking

Be the Change & Stop Human Trafficking

From Kaitlin Bell

Human Trafficking is the fastest growing criminal market today, affecting over 27 million people worldwide. Of those, 80% are women and girls. It's time to be the change and help.

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Update #5

over 9 years ago

Once again, I would like to say thank you to everyone who donated. No matter the amount, your donation changed someones life. My goal of $2,000 was surpassed in the first few weeks, which I am so grateful for. Both organizations; Justice and Soul and SALT Academy, have received the donations, and are thankful for every dollar. You can check their Facebook pages below to see a thank you post and to stay updated.

Again, thank you so much for donating. I have learned so much about human trafficking through this process, and I hope you all have too. We can make a difference and end human trafficking.
"WE LOVE IT - Look what one high school student can do with just a little bit of initiative and drive. Kaitlin Bell chose the Justice and Soul Foundation along with SALT Academy (Sport and Leadership Training) and decided to raise $1000 for each of us. She surpassed her goal and created a ton of awareness. Thank you Kaitlin for making a difference in our young students lives! I hope to see you at the Fashion SOULstice 2015 ( fundraiser on March 28th! If you want to see how how Kaitlin did this - check out her page at"
"A big thanks from all of us here at SALT Academy to Kaitlin and all the people who donated, for raising over 1000USD for our Mighty Girls!
If you want to keep supporting our programs, you can always do so through our website:
‪#‎WomenEmpowerment‬ ‪#‎StopHumanTrafficking‬"


More Info

"Slaves no more, but brothers and sisters."  -Pope Francis, World Day of Peace 2015

"During National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, we stand with the survivors, advocates, and organizations dedicated to building a world where our people and our children are not for sale. Together, let us recommit to a society where our sense of justice tells us that we are our brothers' and sisters' keepers, where every person can forge a life equal to their talents and worthy of their dreams."   -Barack Obama, President of the United States of America

One of my favorite quotes is Gandhi’s "be the change you want to see.” As I learned about human trafficking, I couldn’t believe that many victims are women and young girls. Often because of extreme poverty, young girls can be intentionally sold as child brides or trafficked to help support their family or tricked with the lure of jobs and a better life, only to be put into slavery. Often these little girls are under 14, my age.

This inspired me to write a song and share it with you today, January 11th 2015, National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. I hope this will help others learn about what is happening and help make a change, no matter how small.

I learned about two very special organizations also using their talents to make a difference and I am launching this fundraising campaign to support them. Human trafficking is complicated and many solutions and people are needed to help. I picked these two because they have personal connections to my community and love for soccer and because they help with prevention, as well as support victims who have escaped through counseling and job training for a brighter future.

Justice and Soul Foundation is a shoreline organization making a difference through the beauty industry. Their vision is to “transform the lives of trafficked young women and children globally into confident, self-sufficient and financially independent individuals.” Their mission is: “through our passion and expertise in the beauty industry, we are teaching, inspiring and building esteem in those who have been enslaved in trafficking.”

  In partnership with the James Alan Salon, they help fund local rescue and support organizations, and just opened a salon and teaching school, Kate Korpi Salon, in Cambodia. “After five years of planning, building partnerships, renting a space, creating our blueprints, and collecting bids, the moment of truth is here.  We have built the salon and school so we can now begin to help rebuild the lives of our young students.  Thank you to all who donated so far.” They just had their first four graduates, too!

Your donation to Justice and Soul Foundation can help with student funds for supplies, education and operations including brushes, shears and blow dryers; feed, clothe and house a student; pay for cosmetology tuition; or pay for psychological support and life skills training.

SALT Academy (Sport and Leadership Training) has a vision to “create an environment in which sport contributes to equal treatment, better development and peaceful competition.”

SALT Academy offers youth leagues, summer schools and job training. They work with community groups in three provinces of Northwest Cambodia to maintain and develop local football leagues, where all the players are taught life skill lessons before the weekly games.

The Mighty Girls program specifically focuses on preventing individual cases of human trafficking by empowering and supporting exceptional young female players in education and training. For girls to play football in Cambodia is to challenge nearly everything it means to be a woman. Starting in 2010, the program has continued to grow and serve girls, aged 12-20. They are learning soccer and life skills and becoming role models and coaches in their local communities. They are also breaking down barriers and playing on the Cambodian Women’s team, which gives them a national profile and vision of what a young woman can do.

Your donation to SALT Academy can help the Mighty Girls program through funding a bike and school uniform; private English classes; tuition and expenses for residential and non-residential students; and help building a youth sports complex.

I hope my song and these organizations have inspired you to make a difference and join in the fight against human trafficking. Justice and Soul Foundation was founded using their talents in the beauty industry and SALT Academy around a passion for soccer, both helping end human trafficking in different ways. They inspire me to use my talents for change, too. Please consider making a donation to help today!

To learn more, watch the included videos (after my "Little Girl" video) about these amazing organizations and those they are helping, particularly in Cambodia where trafficking of children is widespread and increasing. (Tier 2 Watch List, USA TIP Report, 2014)

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Kaitlin Bell posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #5

Once again, I would like to say thank you to everyone who donated. No matter the amount, your donation changed someones life. My goal of $2,000 was surpassed in the first few weeks, which I am so grateful for. Both organizations; Justice and Soul and SALT Academy, have received the donations, and are thankful for every dollar. You can check their Facebook pages below to see a thank you post and to stay updated.

Again, thank you so much for donating. I have learned so much about human trafficking through this process, and I hope you all have too. We can make a difference and end human trafficking.
"WE LOVE IT - Look what one high school student can do with just a little bit of initiative and drive. Kaitlin Bell chose the Justice and Soul Foundation along with SALT Academy (Sport and Leadership Training) and decided to raise $1000 for each of us. She surpassed her goal and created a ton of awareness. Thank you Kaitlin for making a difference in our young students lives! I hope to see you at the Fashion SOULstice 2015 ( fundraiser on March 28th! If you want to see how how Kaitlin did this - check out her page at"
"A big thanks from all of us here at SALT Academy to Kaitlin and all the people who donated, for raising over 1000USD for our Mighty Girls!
If you want to keep supporting our programs, you can always do so through our website:
‪#‎WomenEmpowerment‬ ‪#‎StopHumanTrafficking‬"


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Kaitlin Bell posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #4

Wow – I am so excited that I reached my goal! Thanks to all of my supporters and a special hug for my teacher Mrs. Shepp for making the donation that put me just at $2000!

Last week my teacher Mrs. Conroy invited a guest speaker to visit, Annapatrice Clarke, from the Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center. She works to stop human trafficking of all kinds globally and locally, even here in the Seattle area. One cool thing she shared was a website where you can calculate how human trafficking may have touched your own life without you even knowing it based on your lifestyle , the products you use, etc. Check it out here:

Only a few more days until my campaign ends. I hope to get a few more donations so we can help these two amazing organizations and even more girls!

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Kaitlin Bell posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #3

This week my campaign was posted on the SALT Academy Facebook page! Check it out here:

Salt Academy also shared a new video about Kimhong..."a young promising footballer, who has been a Mighty Girl for 4 years." It reminds me why I am doing this.

Thanks to all my supporters. Special thanks to my soccer mates who have made donations!!

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Kaitlin Bell posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #2

It's been one week and I am so happy to see the money we have raised so far, almost half way to my goal! Thank you!!

Last week I gave a presentation and performed my song for the 7-8th graders at my school. Thank you to my teachers and classmates for being so supportive! And, the Justice and Soul Foundation posted my campaign on their Facebook page. Check it out:

Please keep sharing and make a donation! I really want to deliver $1000 checks or more to these two amazing organizations helping stop human trafficking.

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Kaitlin Bell posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #1

Day two and we are off and running thanks to my early supporters!
My campaign got a little media coverage, too. Check it out:

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