Be the Change & Stop Human Trafficking

Be the Change & Stop Human Trafficking

From Kaitlin Bell

Human Trafficking is the fastest growing criminal market today, affecting over 27 million people worldwide. Of those, 80% are women and girls. It's time to be the change and help.

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Kaitlin Bell posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #5

Once again, I would like to say thank you to everyone who donated. No matter the amount, your donation changed someones life. My goal of $2,000 was surpassed in the first few weeks, which I am so grateful for. Both organizations; Justice and Soul and SALT Academy, have received the donations, and are thankful for every dollar. You can check their Facebook pages below to see a thank you post and to stay updated.

Again, thank you so much for donating. I have learned so much about human trafficking through this process, and I hope you all have too. We can make a difference and end human trafficking.
"WE LOVE IT - Look what one high school student can do with just a little bit of initiative and drive. Kaitlin Bell chose the Justice and Soul Foundation along with SALT Academy (Sport and Leadership Training) and decided to raise $1000 for each of us. She surpassed her goal and created a ton of awareness. Thank you Kaitlin for making a difference in our young students lives! I hope to see you at the Fashion SOULstice 2015 ( fundraiser on March 28th! If you want to see how how Kaitlin did this - check out her page at"
"A big thanks from all of us here at SALT Academy to Kaitlin and all the people who donated, for raising over 1000USD for our Mighty Girls!
If you want to keep supporting our programs, you can always do so through our website:
‪#‎WomenEmpowerment‬ ‪#‎StopHumanTrafficking‬"


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Kaitlin Bell posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #4

Wow – I am so excited that I reached my goal! Thanks to all of my supporters and a special hug for my teacher Mrs. Shepp for making the donation that put me just at $2000!

Last week my teacher Mrs. Conroy invited a guest speaker to visit, Annapatrice Clarke, from the Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center. She works to stop human trafficking of all kinds globally and locally, even here in the Seattle area. One cool thing she shared was a website where you can calculate how human trafficking may have touched your own life without you even knowing it based on your lifestyle , the products you use, etc. Check it out here:

Only a few more days until my campaign ends. I hope to get a few more donations so we can help these two amazing organizations and even more girls!

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Kaitlin Bell posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #3

This week my campaign was posted on the SALT Academy Facebook page! Check it out here:

Salt Academy also shared a new video about Kimhong..."a young promising footballer, who has been a Mighty Girl for 4 years." It reminds me why I am doing this.

Thanks to all my supporters. Special thanks to my soccer mates who have made donations!!

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Kaitlin Bell posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #2

It's been one week and I am so happy to see the money we have raised so far, almost half way to my goal! Thank you!!

Last week I gave a presentation and performed my song for the 7-8th graders at my school. Thank you to my teachers and classmates for being so supportive! And, the Justice and Soul Foundation posted my campaign on their Facebook page. Check it out:

Please keep sharing and make a donation! I really want to deliver $1000 checks or more to these two amazing organizations helping stop human trafficking.

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Kaitlin Bell posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #1

Day two and we are off and running thanks to my early supporters!
My campaign got a little media coverage, too. Check it out:

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Paula Konrady commented with a $50 donation:
over 9 years ago
So proud of you Kaitlin. Such a worthy cause to support. Thank you for using your talent in such a worthwhile way.
Kimberly Mitchell commented with a $35 donation:
over 9 years ago
Way to go, Kaitlin!
Ron And Midge Hartz commented with a $100 donation:
over 9 years ago
Good for you Kaitlin. A very worthy cause. Lovely voice, too.
Tai Shan commented with a $25 donation:
over 9 years ago
I am so proud of you Kaitlin and all you have achieved! Great work! Its an honor being your teacher
Rob And Kathy Voe commented with a $100 donation:
over 9 years ago
Good job Kaitlin!
Mike & Kimberly Bell commented with a $350 donation:
over 9 years ago
Blessed to be able to fund tuition for a Mighty Girl in Cambodia. Thank you Kaitlin for your compassion and the opportunity to help!
Anne Beres commented with a $35 donation:
over 9 years ago
What a worthy cause.
Kathleen Chartrand commented with a $50 donation:
over 9 years ago
Beautiful song. Keep up the fight
Enedina Dumas commented with a $50 donation:
over 9 years ago
Let's Save OUR Girls!
Matt & Terina Bell commented with a $100 donation:
over 9 years ago
So proud of our beautiful niece!
Kaitlin Bell commented with a $125 donation:
over 9 years ago
Kaitlin, Grandma is so proud of you and I am happy to support your campaign!