From Roy Singleton

CT Emperor Dan McCarthy banned Katie Kupcakes from RI's Coronations for the next 2 years. Will you please hear her story and help us get Katie Kupcakes back to RI in 2015?

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Roy Singleton posted a new update:
over 10 years ago


We are thinking of having some cool 4-1/2 Foot Kick Ass Cupcake props at our event on November 2nd at the Colosseum in downtown Providence. We hope to see you there!

Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out: .

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Roy Singleton posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

Check Out My Latest Campaign Update

Hi Friends of the Lift The Ban On Kupcakes Campaign!
I am so sorry that I am just getting to an update now and haven’t been able to send one sooner. Lot’s of things have been going on and we have been very busy doing some fun stuff so I will update you now on a few exciting things that has been happening with the campaign.
The campaign attended CT’s Luau and and had such a blast. Katie was elevated that night to Viscountess. Congratulations Katie Kupcakes and Great Job!!! That night we sold cupcakes and made the most amount EVER at an event so far! We raised a total of $233.00 that night just by selling some cupcakes, everyone bought and donated extra $ for the cause also! FANTASTIC SUPPORT from The Imperial Sovereign Court of CT. Thank you all so much!! It seems like each event the amount we raise gets higher, and higher. This campaign is so much fun and raising a great amount of charitable money.
Speaking of events!!!!!! We have planned out a Lift the Ban on Kupcakes Event for November 2nd, 6pm-10pm at the Colosseum in Providence. We sent out a Facebook invite to many friends. Please help our campaign by sharing the event so that many others that we may not have reach may receive the invite to really Fun Event with an open show. Cupcakes and all! Emceeing this event will be our friends Vi’Let and Angela Soprano-Butana. And of course, Katie and Sinboy are planning out a silly cupcake-able performance for the evening. The door is just $5 and donations are gratefully accepted from those friends who may not be able to attend. Thanks guys! You are all Rockstars!!
Another way you could help the campaign is by changing your Facebook Profile Photo on October 24th to our Lift the Ban on Kupcakes event flyer which you will see Sinny post frequently on Facebook. If you could keep it on like that until November 2nd, we will be able to help everyone know about our fun event we have planned. Also, you can let others know about doing this if they would like to as well.  Special Thanks to Bob Boudreau for creating our event flyer – we think it’s awesome and a lot of fun. It’s fun seeing Katie in a Cage too! Lol
We are hoping to attend The Imperial Court of RI’s Flashback event on Sunday, September 28th. Hopefully we can sell some cupcakes and raise some more money for our campaign. We hope to see you there!
We would love to send our Sincere Congratulations to the Elected Candidates of The Imperial Sovereign Court of CT, Christina Carabillo, Dale A. McKinzie, Dandy Lions, and Anna Mckinzie. We can’t wait to see who wins – we support you all! Good Luck!
With Lot’s of Love and Cupcake Sprinkles,
Katie Kupcakes and Sinboy

Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

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Roy Singleton posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

Lift the Ban on Kupcakes Cupcake Sale at the ICRI Luau

We had a great time this past Sunday selling cupcakes at ICRI's Luau held at the Regency in downtown Providence. We raised $167.00 This is our highest amount raised so far at a cupcake sale! Thank you to everyone who supported, donated and had some of those delicious cupcakes!! You guys Rock! Next sale will be this Saturday, August 30th at the ICCT Luau to be held at the Chez Est. We hope to see you there!!

Katie Kupacakes and Sinboy

Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

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Roy Singleton posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

Great Update on the LIFT THE BAN ON KUPCAKES!!!

This past weekend Katie Kupcakes and I visited with our Canadian friends in Hamilton for their Unbelievably Fantastic Coronation. This group of Super Hero's graciously allowed us to sell our cupcakes to raise money towards our "Lift The Ban on Kupcakes" Campain. Because of their support we have raised $151.00 to go towards the campaign. This has been are largest cupcake sale to date! BIG Thank You to our Hamilton Family!! This has raised our amount so far to $548.00. We will now start our search for a GIANT Monkey Onsie!! Keep up the great support everyone - remember that this campaign doesn't end until CT Coronation 2015! Thanks to everyone who has supported us so far!!


Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

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Roy Singleton posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

Check Out My Latest Campaign Update

This Past Monday, July 14th, Katie Kupcakes and I had a "Biffle Day" of hanging out with each other and what a Great Day we had! Thank you Katie Salvetti for planning out such a fun day for me! Sorry I kicked your ass in mini golf. Remember, the loser of today's mini golf game owes the "Lift the Ban on Kupcakes Campaign" $20! So you need to give $20 to Kate Reynolds the next time you see her - haha Sucka! It really was a fun day! Good job canoeing and thank you so much for the Great Lunch today!! You are the best Biffle ever!

Kate Reynolds - Get that $20 from her!! I won fair and square!!

Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

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Roy Singleton posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

Check Out The Latest LIFT THE BAN ON KUPCAKES Campaign Update

Folks!! We are 1/2 way there in reaching our $500.00 goal. Please share this post, ask your friends to also support and donate to this great cause. All money up to the first $500.00 goes to the Imperial CT of CT to distribute amongst their charities, and anything over $500.00 up to $1000.00 will go to The Imperial CT of RI. Anything over $1000.00 is split equally between both CT & RI Courts. Katie Kupcakes and myself have been having a great time with this campaign, but we need your help to spread the word and help us get donations for this really great cause.

Please help us reach our campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

Katie Kupcakes & Myself really appreciate all of your support!

Katie Kupcakes & Sinboy

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Roy Singleton posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

Check Out My Latest Campaign Update

Katie Kupcakes and I would like to thank everyone who purchased a cupcake and/or donated to the "Lift The Ban On Kupcakes" Campaign at last nights ICRI Investitures. With your help we raised an additional $80 towards our campaign goal! Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!! Dan McCarthy WILL be wearing a Monkey Onsie in February at CT's Victory Brunch!!!!


Ps. If you have not visited our campaign page yet, please see the link below and become a supporter today!!

Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out:

Roy Singleton commented on a blog post:
over 10 years ago
Dan - do you like Bananas? LOL

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David Imhoff commented with a support:
over 10 years ago
Ban those Kupcakes!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
Roy Singleton commented:
over 10 years ago
Hey Katie!! We have 18 Supporters so far. Do you think our supporters would be willing to help us ask other people to support us? Get at me
Katie Salvetti commented:
over 10 years ago
Thank you all for your support and donations! After this past cupcake sale we were able to raise another $100!!! ❤
Timmy Stone commented with a support:
over 10 years ago
Anonymous commented with a $20 donation:
over 10 years ago
Happy Birthday DDH!
Roy Singleton commented:
almost 11 years ago
Katie Kupcakes and I are so excited to share your friendships with your support! Let's get these charities in need some $ xoxo KK & SB
Anonymous commented with a $20 donation:
almost 11 years ago
Gina DP commented with a support:
almost 11 years ago
It was partly our fault she even went to this Coronation in the first place, the least we can do is get her back there!
Dale McKinzie commented with a support:
almost 11 years ago
Roy Singleton commented with a $40 donation:
almost 11 years ago
Can't wait to see Dan in a Monkey Onsie!!
Jen Lawrence commented:
almost 11 years ago
will donate later, dd I even meet her at the Coronation? oh well its for charity....
Roy Singleton commented:
almost 11 years ago
I am Katie Kupcakes Campaign Manager. She has hired my services and will pay me in Cupcakes for helping her get this Ban Lifted.
Roy Singleton commented:
almost 11 years ago
Lift The Ban on Kupcakes!