Intergenerational Youth Council Colorado

Intergenerational Youth Council Colorado

From Youth & Elders Council

The Intergenerational Youth Council Colorado is an event in the first weekend of October (2019) to connect youth with Native American elders to exchange knowledge to confidently navigate our changing world.

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Myka McLaughlin commented with a $35 donation:
almost 5 years ago
This is for the pipe ceremony last week. Thank you!
Myka McLaughlin commented with a $200 donation:
almost 5 years ago
This is for Saturday night, closing ceremony in tipi.
Joseph DiMasi commented with a $150 donation:
almost 5 years ago
Love you!
Charlotte Rotterdam commented with a $100 donation:
almost 5 years ago
Thank you for hosting such an amazing gathering!
Mark Jordahl commented with a $400 donation:
almost 5 years ago
Looking forward to it!
Joshua Barad commented with a $100 donation:
almost 5 years ago
We are so looking forward to being there in the flesh (or in spirit if baby comes sooner). <3 - Carrie + Josh
Beth Miller commented with a $500 donation:
about 5 years ago
I'm grateful for this opportunity to help to create beautiful, conscious leaders for the future.